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This work is focused in the study of Patagonian lithic projectile points shape variation from a phylogenetic perspective pursuing three main aims: first, generate a model of projectile point shape diversification and morphospace evolution; second, estimat... see more

The climate clearly determines the characteristics of agriculture in terms of favourable conditions for the development of plants and animals. Climate change has a major impact on agriculture, and we need at least its analysis for past decades for effecti... see more

Background: The reports of numerous outbreaks of whiteflies from different parts of the world have increased its medical importance. The aim of this study was to determine relationship between environmental changes and climatic factors with the outbreak o... see more

This study aimed to validate the instrument of change readiness to improve teacher competencies. The tool was divided into four main dimensions, namely, change self-efficacy, discrepancy, personal valence, and organizational valence using verification fac... see more

A linear regression (studentized) residual analysis was used to identify potential shoreline position outliers and to investigate the effect of the outliers on shoreline rate-of-change values for transects along the Outer Banks, North Carolina. Results fr... see more

AbstractFixed-point photo monitoring supplemented by animal census data and climate monitoring potential has never been explored as a long-term monitoring tool for studying vegetation change in the arid and semi-arid national parks of South Africa. The lo... see more

The present paper presents the performance of an experimental cartographic study towards the examination of the minimum duration threshold required for the detection by the central vision of a moving point symbol on cartographic backgrounds. The examined ... see more

Evidencia empírica de la Teoría de Patricia Benner en la labor profesional de los Licenciados en Enfermería Evidencia empírica de la Teoría de Patricia Benner en la labor profesional de los Licenciados en EnfermeríaIntroducción: Los enfermeros y enfermeras cubanas  deben  tener  conciencia    de que su profesión constituye un sistema, históricamente formado de conocimientos  ordenados  cuya  veracidad  se comprueba  y se  puntualiza  a diario  en  el curso  de  las  investigaciones  y  la  práctica de enfermería. Objetivo: Describir el nivel de evidencia empírica de la Teoría de Patricia Benner del principiante al experto. Material y Métodos: Este articulo es resultado de un estudio descriptivo observacional. En la confección del artículo se empleó el método  de análisis  y síntesis, el inductivo–deductivo, el histórico–lógico y el hipotético–deductivo. Se partió de un estudio cronológico donde se desglosó la estructura de la teoría y se explicó esta, tratando una por una sus proposiciones  y elementos  principales  y  se  aplicó  al problema  que generó  el artículo. Resultados: Patricia Benner ha desarrollado un compendio descriptivo e interpretativo del ejercicio de la Enfermería Clínica. Se brinda la oportunidad de considerar diferentes maneras de ver y hacer  las cosas, lo que se asume como un estímulo al pensamiento; según opinión de los autores cuando se estudia la evolución laboral y profesional del Licenciado en Enfermería, se comprende cómo los cambios que se han ocasionado en el entorno laboral y social han sido influidos por factores tecnológicos, económicos, sociales y políticos. Conclusiones: La evidencia empírica sobre la Teoría de Patricia Benner es abrumadora; consideramos que ayuda a incrementar el conocimiento y la interpretación de la realidad al sistematizar y dar un orden al conocimientoPalabras  clave:Teoría  de Patricia  Benner,  principiante,  principiante  avanzado, competente, eficaz, experto.ABSTRACTIntroduction: Cuban nurses should be aware that their profession is a system historically constituted by an ordered knowledge whose veracity is checked and points out every day during the passing of research and nursing practice. Objective: To describe the level of empirical evidence of Patricia Benner’s theory; from the beginner to expert. Material and Methods: This article is the result of an observational - descriptive study. To write this article, were used the method of analysis and synthesis, inductive - deductive, historical - logical, the hypothetical - deductive. It starts with a theory’s chronological study where the theory’s structure was broken down, and explained, treating one by one the proposals and main elements of the theory, applying it to the problem that bring about this article. Results: Patricia Benner has developed a descriptive and interpretative compendium about clinical nursing. Patricia Benner’s theory; provides an opportunity to consider different ways of seeing and doing things, which is assumed as a stimulus to thought, in the opinion of the authors when it is studied the labor and professional progress of Nursing’s Bachelor, we understood how the changes that resulted in the labor and social environment are influenced by technological, economic, social and political factors. Conclusions: The empirical evidence of Patricia Benner’s theory; is overwhelming, we consider that helps to increase the knowledge and interpretation of reality and to systematize and give an order to knowledge.Keywords:Patricia Benner’s Theory, beginner, advanced beginner, competent, efficacious, expert.

Objetivo: Describir el nivel de evidencia empírica de la Teoría de Patricia Benner del principiante al experto. Material y Métodos: Este articulo es resultado de un estudio descriptivo observacional. En la confección del artículo se empleó el método ... see more

This work aims to provide a comprehensive, wall-to-wall analysis of land use/cover changes in the continental areas of Portugal and Spain between 1990 and 2012. This overall objective is developed into two main research questions: (1) Whether differences ... see more

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