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Social Sciences
Medicine / Gynecology


Turkey, Turkish Republic


9  Articles
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Bu arastirmanin amaci kisilik özellikleri ve öznel iyi olus arasindaki iliskileri incelemektir. Arastirmanin katilimcilarini 234 kisi (98 kadin/136 erkek) olusturmaktadir. Çalisma grubunun yas araligi 18-61’dir. Çalismada veri toplama araçlari olarak Oxfo... see more

Internet that adds the differences to the lives of the people from day it entered into the life of mankind and will continue to add these differences in the next years, causes the emergence of some negative effects when it is used except its intended purp... see more

The purpose of this study was to determine whether communication skills of adults are different in terms of gender and age and to reveal that personality traits predict communication skills. For this purpose data were collected from 187 adults whose ages ... see more

The aim of the research, is to examine the relationship between adult’s five factor personality features by use of Social Media. As for sample, there are 1252 woman and 1248 man student’s parents and they are between the ages of 30-51 and over the age of ... see more

Üniversite ögrencilerinin kisilerarasi bagimlilik egilimlerini belirlemek ve kisilerarasi bagimlilik düzeyleri açisindan kisilik özelliklerinin farklilasip farklilasmadigini incelemek bu arastirmanin amacidir Çalismanin örneklemini Inönü Üniversitesi ögr... see more

Üniversite ögrencilerinin kisilerarasi bagimlilik egilimlerini belirlemek ve kisilerarasi bagimlilik düzeyleri açisindan kisilik özelliklerinin farklilasip farklilasmadigini incelemek bu arastirmanin amacidir Çalismanin örneklemini Inönü Üniversitesi ögr... see more

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