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One probable consequence of the Dollar crisis is the initiation of an attempt to effect a major reform of the international monetary system. The agenda for any future discussions on reform is bound to be long and varied. The present article, rather than p... see more

This interdisciplinary conference aims to focus on the exchange of relevant trends and research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences in Interactive Computer aided Learning, especially in Engineering Education. Therefore pilot proje... see more

Since 1990, epic strides have been made in global health and development toward achieving Millennium Development Goals. With a united front of forces, including governments, coalitions, private sector, foundations, philanthropic organizations, and the fai... see more

Research collaboration in Sub-Saharan Africa is increasingly being conducted internationally, perhaps due to the emphasis laid on international partnerships by international organisations such as the United Nations. Using informetric techniques, this pape... see more

This article discusses the emergence of the semi-clandestine efforts of a network of international Jewish philanthropies and the Israeli government to send material and financial aid to Jews in early-communist Hungary. Post Second World War Hungary was a ... see more

Since 1990, epic strides have been made in global health and development toward achieving Millennium Development Goals. With a united front of forces, including governments, coalitions, private sector, foundations, philanthropic organizations, and the fai... see more

Tuberculosis y SIDA pediátrico: a propósito de un caso en Mozambique / Tuberculosis and pediatric AIDS: a case report in MozambiqueTuberculosis y SIDA pediátrico: a propósito de un caso en Mozambique / Tuberculosis and pediatric AIDS: a case report in MozambiqueLa Tuberculosis (TB), es una enfermedad producida por el Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis, bacilo débilmente Gram positivo, aerobio, ácido-alcohol resistente, de aspecto curvo, inmóvil, no esporulado, constituye una de las enfermedades  re - emergentes en la infancia a nivel mundial, el Síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (sida) es el factor de riesgo mayor para la progresión de la TB. a pesar de que la incidencia de ambas enfermedades es baja con relación a las estadísticas mundiales según la OMS; los estados y autoridades sanitarias ponen el mayor empeño para un control eficaz y manejo adecuado de los casos registrados. Motivados con la presencia del Internacionalismo médico cubano en diversos países fue considerado de interés transmitir una experiencia, presentando el caso de un niño de 4 años de edad, raza negra, procedente de un área rural en  Nampula, Mozambique (África), donde el cuadro clínico y los complementarios confirmaron una TB pulmonar, constatando además la presencia de sida  (VIH positivo y linfocitos  CD4+ en  < 15 %). Se aplicó la terapéutica adecuada siguiendo los protocolos establecidos en Mozambique para ambas enfermedades, que permitió una mejoría del estado clínico e hizo posible un cambio en la calidad y esperanza de vida de este.Palabras clave: TUBERCULOSIS/diagnóstico, VIH, SÍNDROME DE INMUNODEFICIENCIA ADQUIRIDA/terapia. ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (abbreviated TB for tubercle bacillus or Tuberculosis), is a disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Hominis, weakly Gram-positive bacillus, aerobic, acid-alcohol resistance, of curved aspect, motionless and sporeless. TB constitutes one of the re-emergent diseases in the childhood all over the world. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the most important risk factor to the TB development. Despite the incidence of both diseases is low in relation to the worldwide statistics; and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the states and sanitary authorities are making a great effort to carry out an effective control and an adequate management of the cases recorded. Encouraged by the presence of the Cuban Medical Internationalist Missions in several countries the case is presented in order to transmit experience. A 4-year-old, black boy,  coming from a rural region in Mampula City, Mozambique, sub-Saharan Africa; the clinical and laboratory findings confirmed a pulmonary TB, also the presence of AIDS was verified (positive HIV and lymphocytes CD4+ in 15%). An adequate therapeutic taking into account the protocols established in Mozambique for both diseases was followed with the purpose of  improving the clinical conditions of the patient, which  made possible changes  in the quality of life and life expectancy. Key words: Tuberculosis/diagnosis, HIV, ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME/therapy.

ABSTRACT Tuberculosis (abbreviated TB for tubercle bacillus or Tuberculosis), is a disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Hominis, weakly Gram-positive bacillus, aerobic, acid-alcohol resistance, of curved aspect, motionless and sporeless. T... see more

Primary care physicians (PCP’s) are patient’s first line of defense against any medical and social ailment. If patients can relate to and trust their PCP beyond the framework of their disease, they ‘stick’ with that doctor for life and bring their familie... see more

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