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This study aims at uncovering the effectiveness of the WebQuest strategy-based learning environment in the teaching of biological concepts and imparting of systemic thinking. The participants of the study, 64 pre-service teachers (students) for the 2020–2... see more

The movement of educational systems on the 21st century need to be change from linearity to systemic form. The aims of this research is to determine the effect of Chemistry Systemic Learning Approach (CSLA) toward Students’ Analytical Thinking Skills (SAT... see more

Middle-management is taking an increasingly central role in the school considered as an adaptive complex system because it assists the school leader in the organizational processes and the distributed leadership procedures. This article examines the compl... see more

This aim of this research was to use the learning cycle approach in designing e-marketing subject and measure its effectiveness on developing systemic thinking skills and learning motivation among commercial secondary school students. To achieve this purp... see more

The philosophy of the middle ages can be described as the period of scholasticism. Scholasticism is a technical term for the period wherein the Christian faith and doctrine started to merge with the paradigms of ancient, Hellenistic philosophy. The paradi... see more

The philosophy of the middle ages can be described as the period of scholasticism. Scholasticism is a technical term for the period wherein the Christian faith and doctrine started to merge with the paradigms of ancient, Hellenistic philosophy. The paradi... see more

The article deals with highlighting systemic and creative aspects of translation on the basis of psycholinguistic experiment. The topicality of the research is determined by the switch form text-oriented to activity-oriented development of modern Translat... see more

Curso electivo: “Desarrolle el pensamiento lógico resolviendo problemas matemáticos” / Elective course: “Develop the logical thinking solving mathematical problems” Curso electivo: “Desarrolle el pensamiento lógico resolviendo problemas matemáticos” / Elective course: “Develop the logical thinking solving mathematical problems”Objetivo: mostrar los resultados alcanzados en la impartición del curso electivo: Desarrolle el pensamiento lógico resolviendo problemas matemáticos, en el curso académico 2016-2017.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se emplearon los métodos de análisis documental, histórico-lógico y el enfoque sistémico para elaborar el programa y el folleto de ejercicios. Se aplicó una encuesta al inicio del curso y un PNIS al finalizar. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva para mostrar los resultados.Resultados: se elaboró un programa y un folleto de ejercicios. Los resultados más significativos de la encuesta fueron: el 100% de los estudiantes optó por el curso, de ellos el 70% lo hizo en primera o segunda opción y el 50% tuvo como expectativa poder desarrollar su pensamiento lógico y aprender a resolver problemas. El resultado más significativo del PNIS fue que más del 50% plantearon como positivo el desarrollo del pensamiento lógico o las técnicas para resolver problemas.El 100% de los estudiantes aprobó el curso con un 95% de calidad.Conclusiones: los resultados alcanzados en el desarrollo del curso electivo fueron satisfactorios, ello se pone de manifiesto al constatar que el 100% de los estudiantes optó por el mismo y que todos aprobaron, obteniéndose un 95% de calidad en la evaluación final.ABSTRACTObjective: to show the results achieved in the teaching of elective course: develop the logical thinking solving mathematical problems, academicals course 2016-2017.Materials and methods: a descriptive cohort study was carried out, documental analysis, historical logical and systemically approach methods were used to elaborate the program and the exercises booklet. A questionnaire and a PNIS were applied at the beginning of the course. The descriptive statistics was used to show the results.Results: a program and an exercises booklet were elaborated. The most relevant results of questionnaire were: 100% of students opted for their course, the 70 % did it in first and second option and the 50% had as expectative can develop the logical thinking and to learn resolve problems. The most relevant result of PNIS was that more than 50% proposed as positive the development of logical thinking or the techniques to resolve problems. The 100% of the students approved the course with 95% of quality.Conclusions: the results achieved in the development of the elective course were satisfactory, this put the manifestation that the 100% of the students opted for the same and that all approved, obtained 95% of quality in the final evaluation.Keywords: elective course; logical thinking; problems resolution.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se emplearon los métodos de análisis documental, histórico-lógico y el enfoque sistémico para elaborar el programa y el folleto de ejercicios. Se aplicó una encuesta al inicio d... see more

1 of 2.083 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»