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214.397  Articles
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The object of research is the risk of tearing of integration ties between the participants arising in the projects of creation of transport and logistics centers. The specific features of the concept of "integration project risks" are defined, which inclu... see more

The object of research is the risk of tearing of integration ties between the participants arising in the projects of creation of transport and logistics centers. The specific features of the concept of "integration project risks" are defined, which inclu... see more

The article analyses domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to certain aspects of educational and scientific projects. The author develops the methodology for project designing and its automation algorithm by means of the Microsoft Office Project p... see more

The article analyses domestic and foreign literary sources devoted to certain aspects of educational and scientific projects. The author develops the methodology for project designing and its automation algorithm by means of the Microsoft Office Project p... see more

The urgency of the material stated in the given work is caused by necessity of search of the ways of optimization and automation of projecting process of the subject modular structure which is expedient to produce on integration bases, accounting problems... see more

The urgency of the material stated in the given work is caused by necessity of search of the ways of optimization and automation of projecting process of the subject modular structure which is expedient to produce on integration bases, accounting problems... see more

It has been critical to find a way for teachers to motivate their young children to learn science and improve science achievement. Since music has been used as a tool for educating young students, this study introduces the science song project to teacher ... see more

Resultados obtenidos por dos proyectos comunitarios que apuestan por el bienestar y la salud / Results obtained by two community projects that are committed to well-being and health Resultados obtenidos por dos proyectos comunitarios que apuestan por el bienestar y la salud / Results obtained by two community projects that are committed to well-being and healthObjetivo: demostrar los resultados obtenidos por el proyectocomunitario: Salud y calidad de vida, del Instituto de Farmacia yAlimento de la Universidad de La Habana y el proyecto comunitario:Estilos de vida y salud, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de laUniversidad Tecnológica de la Habana.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversalteniendo en cuenta los participantes en cada proyecto. Consistióen una muestra de 194 estudiantes universitarios, las actividadesdesarrolladas, la presentación de trabajos en eventos y los premiosde cada proyecto en el período comprendido desde diciembrede 2014 hasta diciembre de 2018, para mostrar los resultadosobtenidos ambos proyectos.Resultados: se evidenció un aumento del número de participantesen cada proyecto durante el tiempo analizado y el elevado alcancede las actividades realizadas, aspectos que se pueden constataren el creciente número y nivel de los eventos, tanto nacionalescomo internacionales en los que se han presentado los trabajosrealizados y los premios obtenidos.Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos por estos proyectoscomunitarios evidencian la importante repercusión que tienen enel contexto universitario y fundamentalmente en las comunidadesen las que se han desarrollado los mismos.Palabras clave: calidad de vida; estilos de vida; proyectoscomunitarios; hábitos tóxicos.ABSTRACTObjectives: demonstrate the results obtained by the communityproject: Health and quality of life, of the Institute of Pharmacyand Food of the University of Havana and the community project:Styles of life and health, of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering ofthe Technological University from Havana.Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out takinginto account the participants in each project. It consisted of asample of 194 university students, the activities developed, thepresentation of work at events and the awards for each project inthe period from December 2014 to December 2018, to show theresults obtained from both projects.Results: there was an increase in the number of participants ineach project during the time analyzed and the high scope of theactivities carried out, aspects that can be verified in the increasingnumber and level of events, both national and international inwhich they have been presented the work done and the awardsobtained.Conclusions: the results obtained by these community projectsshow the important repercussion that they have in the universitycontext and fundamentally in the communities in which they havebeen developed.Keywords: quality of life; lifestyles; community projects; toxichabits.

comunitario: Salud y calidad de vida, del Instituto de Farmacia yAlimento de la Universidad de La Habana y el proyecto comunitario:Estilos de vida y salud, de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química de laUniversidad Tecnológica de la Habana.Método: se realizó u... see more

1 of 21.441 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»