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21  Articles
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Anime, Japanese animation, is massive, with “60% of the animation in the world made in Japan” (Goto-Jones 2009, 3). Anime occasionally makes an innovative use of graphemes on screen, but this has not been studied so far. This study, then, describes and an... see more

This article aimed to analyze the orthographic form of English loan- terms into Arabic fonotaktik. thescope of the consonant grapheme. It is a kind of descriptive qualitative study, which tends to analyzethe data inductively. Both distributional method an... see more

A deficit in phonological awareness (PA) has been proposed as the main cognitive failure in developmental dyslexia (DD), since a significant proportion of children with DD show low scores on such tasks. However, it has also been argued that this poor perf... see more

AbstractBackground: Spelling is a vital component of literacy. This is because spelling includes multiple metalinguistic components, such as phoneme-grapheme awareness, orthographic awareness and morphophonemic knowledge. Despite this, there remains, to d... see more

Conjunto de actividades para el desarrollo del vocabulario ortográfico en los estudiantes de Premédico / Set of activities for the development of orthographic vocabulary in pre-graduate students Conjunto de actividades para el desarrollo del vocabulario ortográfico en los estudiantes de Premédico / Set of activities for the development of orthographic vocabulary in pre-graduate studentsLa enseñanza del vocabulario ortográfico en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina es motivo de interés de los autores de este trabajo por la importancia que tiene el uso adecuado del idioma en los estudiantes de premédico de este centro, teniendo en cuenta que es el español el idioma en el que deben comunicarse durante sus estudios en Cuba y utilizarlo en todas las asignaturas del currículo. Se ha comprobado en observaciones a clases y con la aplicación de los métodos e instrumentos de investigación (encuestas, entrevistas, entre otros), que en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina los estudiantes presentan algunas dificultades que afectan los significados de las palabras y algunos cambios de fonemas grafemas que interfieren en su adecuada comunicación. Por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es elaborar un conjunto de actividades para el desarrollo del vocabulario ortográfico en los estudiantes de premédico de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Los resultados se expresarán a partir de las indagaciones teóricas y empíricas que permiten corroborar su validez con la aplicación del conjunto de actividades y los criterios emitidos por los usuarios, que son considerados adecuados. El conjunto de actividades que se propone es pertinente, porque los resultados que se obtendrán, después de su aplicación, contribuirán a la preparación de los estudiantes, y así poner en práctica el uso del idioma de una manera adecuada.Palabras clave: enseñanza; ortografía; vocabulario ortográfico; comunicación.ABSTRACT  The teaching of orthographic vocabulary at the Latin American School of Medicine is a matter of interest for the authors of this work because of the importance of the appropriate use of language in the pre-school students of this center, taking into account that Spanish is the language in which they must communicate during their studies in Cuba and must be used in all subjects of the curriculum. It has been verified in observations to classes and with the application of research methods and instruments (surveys, interviews, among others), that in the Latin American School of Medicine students present some difficulties that affect the meanings of words and some changes of phonemes graphemes that interfere in their proper communication. Therefore, the objective of this work is to elaborate a set of activities for the development of orthographic vocabulary in ELAM pre-graduate students. The results will be expressed from the theoretical and empirical inquiries that allow corroborating their validity with the application of the set of activities and the criteria issued by the users, which are considered adequate.Keywords: teaching; spelling; spelling vocabulary; communication.

This paper describes the role of Arabic script on a view of establishing Islamic civilization in Indonesian archipelago. Arabic script, apart from a tool for writing, its characteristic is so intensive to symbolize Islamic civilization. The arri... see more

  This study reviews recent data on functional illiteracy and advances on neuroscience about the reading process. alarming figures on functional illiteracy will be presented with examples of UK and brazil. Empirical evidences brou... see more

To develop reading acquisition in an effective way, it is necessary to take into account three goals during the process: automatic word recognition, or development of phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, and a desire for reading. This article focuse... see more

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