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ISSN: 2088-5415    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 13 Number 2 Year 2023

11 articles in this issue 

Rizki Mita Utami,Dwiyanto Indiahono,Sendy Noviko

Direct cash assistance has often been criticized for its limited impact in the long-term community empowerment. However during the Covid-19 pandemic this method of assistance was deemed necessary to help the poor survive. This article discusses the implem... see more

Pags. 157 - 169  

Saipul Hamdi,Oryza Peneumatica Inderasari,Syarifuddin Syarifuddin,Indah Firgina Sari

The article aims to map the socio-entrepreneurship potential of migrant workers in the Covid-19 era. This mapping is vital to identify the potential that migrant workers have since they seek diversification during the pandemic years. In particular, this p... see more

Pags. 170 - 184  

Fahmawati Fahmawati,Ratminto -,Isaac Jogues Kiyok Sito Meiyanto

Kondisi pandemi Covid-19 membuat berbagai organisasi di dunia mengubah sistem kerjamereka dari konvensional menjadi Work From Home (WFH) untuk menghentikan penyebaran penyakit ini.Perubahan tersebut memicu berbagai respon di kalangan pekerj... see more

Pags. 185 - 201  

Boyke Rudy Purnomo,Mauliddin Wisnu Munggaran

Studi ini mengeksplorasi model bisnis ramah lingkungan yang dipraktikkan oleh kedai kopi lokal yang ada di Yogyakarta. Pendekatan penyelidikan narasi digunakan untuk menggambarkan pola kerja kedai kopi lokal dalam menjalankan usaha yan... see more

Pags. 202 - 221  

Dwi Putri Jeng Ivo Nurun Nisa',Darsono Darsono,Ernoiz Antriyandarti

Di pasar Malaysia, biji kakao Indonesia bersaing dengan biji kakao dari negara-negara di Afrika Barat yang memiliki standar kualitas yang tinggi dan lebih disukai oleh konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai ekspor, produksi, pr... see more

Pags. 222 - 238  

Encep Saefullah,Syamsul Hidayat,Fatari Fatari,Malik Fatoni,Nani Rohaeni

Ecotourism has been increasingly recognized as providing benefits not only in preserving the natural environment but can also improve the economy of local communities. To validate this assumption, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the imp... see more

Pags. 239 - 245  

I Dewa Ayu Nindya Prathiwi S,Ni Ketut Wiwiek Agustina

Tour guides are a fundamental part of the tourism industry, which has been seriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Tour guides are expected to find alternatives to survive because of fluctuations over 50% decline in tourism. The pre-pandemi... see more

Pags. 246 - 263  

Muhammad Izzudin,Yunindyawati Yunindyawati,Candra Wardana,Putri Wulandari,Muhammad Ibrahim,Tasya Amelia Putri,Januar Eko Aryansah,Sena Putra Prabujaya

The problem of slum settlements is still a major problem faced in Indonesia and other developing countries. One of the triggers for the emergence of slum settlements is due to the high rate of population growth, both through the birth process and the urba... see more

Pags. 264 - 277  

Latifah Nurrahmah Juhara,Agam Marsoyo

Studi pariwisata sering menilai pengembangan tujuan wisata berdasarkan siklus hidup teori siklus hidup.Berdasarkan enam tahap teori siklus hidup pariwisata,penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengidentifikasiposisi destinasi wisata destinasi ... see more

Pags. 278 - 294