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Audit Quality Indicators (AQIs), as defined by the Center for Audit Quality, include four different elements:firm leadership and tone at the top; engagement team knowledge, experience, and workload; monitoring; and auditor reporting. AQIs are quantitative... see more

Il presente articolo si propone di indagare il rapporto che Nonno intrattiene nelle Dionisiache con Arato, uno dei suoi molteplici modelli. Lo studio prende in analisi quattro passi significativi (1, 163-175; 25, 123-133; 38, 354-371; 47, 448-452) e li po... see more

Insects represent a relevant didactic resource to work with artistic skills, concepts, attitudes and values in the Science teaching because they are diversified in forms and colors, and because they have different life styles. However, there are relativel... see more

ABBATTISTA, Guido. The Business of Paternoster Row: Towards a Publishing History of the ‘Universal History’ (1736-65). Publishing History, n. 17, p. 5-50, 1985.ABBATTISTA, Guido. Un dibattito settecentesco sulla storia universale (Ricerche sulle traduzioni e sulla circolazione della Universal History). Rivista Storica Italiana. Anno CI, Fascicolo III. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, p. 614-695, 1989.ABBATTISTA, Guido. The English Universal History: Publishing, Authorship and Historiography in an European Project (1736-1790). Storia della Storiografia, n. 39, p. 100-105, 2001.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. Weltgeschichte in Göttingen: Eine Studie über das spätaufklärerische universalhistorische Denken, 1756-1815. Bielefeld: transcript, 2012.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. A verdade da crítica. O método históricocrítico de August Ludwig (von) Schlözer e o padrão histórico dos juízos. História da Historiografia, n. 18, p. 93-109, 2015a.ARAÚJO, André de Melo. Imagens da simultaneidade e os impasses da narrativa. O caso da Synopsis historiae universalis (1766) de Johann Christoph Gatterer. Tempo, v. 21, n. 38, p. 1-24, 2015b.ARNOLD, Dana; BENDING, Stephen. Introduction. Tracing Architecture: the aesthetics of antiquarianism. In: ARNOLD, Dana; BENDING, Stephen. (eds.). Tracing Architecture: The Aesthetics of Antiquarianism. Malden: Blackwell, 2003, p. 1-10.AWH – Uebersetzung der Algemeinen Welthistorie. Halle: J. J. Gebauer, 1744-1814.BURKE, Peter. Images as Evidence in Seventeenth-Century Europe. Journal of the History of Ideas.v. 64, n. 2, p. 273-296, 2003.CONRAD, Marcus. Geschichte(n) und Geschäfte: Die Publikation der ‘Allgemeinen Welthistorie’ im Verlag Gebauer in Halle (1744-1814). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2010.FEATHER, John. The British Book Market, 1600-1800. In: ELIOT, Simon; ROSE, Jonathan (eds.). A Companion to the History of the Book. Malden: Blackwell, 2007, p. 232-246.GRIGGS, Tamara. 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Neste artigo apresentam-se as funções que se pode atribuir às imagens que acompanham – e necessariamente integram – os volumes de uma obra paradigmática da produção historiográfica iluminista, a Universal History e suas traduções europeias. Apesar do dest... see more

Editorial Orquídea Urquiola Sánchez Creación de una unidad de negocios especializada en el Banco Popular de Ahorro de Cienfuegos Yoanna Couto Pérez, Marle Pérez de Armas La educación para la paz en los niveles de los discursos del docente de Historia Norc... see more

Through a typological, stylistic and technical analysis of the materials coming from the basilica of Algezares, from Begastri and from the cerrode La Almagra, and through their comparison with plastic materials documented in the South-East, in other terri... see more

Variabilidad espacial de la velocidad de infiltración del agua en el suelo. I. Generación de datosCiencia e Investigación Agraria, Revista latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Agricultura, está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos: Thomson ISI, Alerta a... see more

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