Formulations of tapioca, tofu dregs flour, pumpkin flour as cereal type-2 diabetic DOI : 10.21927/ijnd.2020.8(3).109-117 | Abstract views : 5 times


ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-7 dunia dengan penderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) sebanyak 10,3 juta jiwa (IDF, 2017). Tepung ampas tahu dan tepung labu kuning dipilih sebagai bahan pengembangan susu sereal karena mengandung tinggi serat dan antioksidan.Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh formulasi tepung tapioka, tepung ampas tahu dan tepung labu kuning terhadap nilai energi, mutu kimia (protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kadar air, dan kadar abu), mutu fungsional (kadar serat dan aktivitas antioksidan), dan mutu organoleptik susu sereal pengembangan bagi penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2.Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental dengan desain Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Taraf perlakuan adalah perbandingan tepung tapioaka, tepung ampas tahu dan tepung labu kuning yaitu P (60 : 15 : 25), P 2 (45 : 20 : 35), P (35 : 25 : 40).Hasil: taraf perlakuan P 1 3 (60 : 15 : 25) merupakan taraf perlakuan terbaik karena kadar karbohidrat 64% total asupan energi, nilai energi 431 Kkal, kadar serat kasar 2,02%,kadar protein 14,7% total asupan energi, kadar lemak 24% total asupan energi, kadar abu 2,9%, tetapi kadar air melebihi standar yaitu 3,40% dan aktivitas antioksidan dalam kategori sangat lemah 176.490 µg/ml. Tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap atribut warna, aroma, mouthfeel dan rasa susu sereal pengembangan pada taraf perlakuan 1 (P ) memperoleh skala 3.Kesimpulan: Mutu kimia (Kadar air, kadar abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat) memenuhi standar SNI 014270-1996 dan PERKENI kecuali kadar air.KATA KUNCI: diabetes mellitus tipe 2; susu sereal pengembangan; mutu kimia; tepung ampas tahu; tepung labu kuning ABSTRACTBackground: Indonesia was ranked 7th in the world with 10.3 million diabetic based on The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2017. Tofu dregs and pumpkin flour were chosen as ingredients for the development of cereal milk because they are high in fiber and antioxidants.Objective: To analyze the effect of tapioca flour, tofu dregs flour and pumpkin flour on energy value, chemical quality (protein, fat, carbohydrate, water content, and ash content), functional quality (fiber content and antioxidant activity), and organoleptic quality developmental cereal milk for type 2 diabetic.Methods: This type of research is experimental with a completely randomized design (CRD). The level of treatment is the ratio of tapioca flour, tofu dregs and yellow pumpkin flour, namely P1 (60: 15: 25), P2 (45: 20: 35), P3 (35: 25: 40).Results: P1 (60: 15: 25) is the best treatment level because carbohydrate content is 64% of total energy intake, energy value is 431 Kcal, fiber content is 2.02%, protein content is 14.7%, content fat 24% ash content of 2.9%, but water content exceeds the standard of 3.40% and antioxidant activity in the very weak category 176,490 µg / ml. The level of preference of panelists on the attributes of color, aroma, mouthfeel and taste of cereal milk at treatment level 1 (P1) obtained a scale of 3.Conclusions: Chemical quality SNI 01-4270- 1996 and PERKENI standard except water content.KEYWORDS:chemical quality; milk cereal develompment;

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