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Volume 16 Number Vol 16, No 6: Januari 2022 Year 2022

22 articles in this issue 

I Ketut Bagiastra,Niki Hannaji,Si Luh Putu Damayanti

 Kebutuhan akan ketenangan akan suatu obyek wisata membuat seseorang sering memilih lokasi obyek wisata yang memenuhi kebutuhan kenyamanannya. Desa Seruni merupakan tempat wisata buatan yang baru dibangun tahun 2019. Di tempat ini pengunjung bisa men... see more

Pags. 6827 - 6838  

Sri Maryanti,Suharti Suharti,Sulaiman Sulaiman

The trend of increasing sales in the bottled drinking water (AMDK) industry in recent years has attracted many companies to enter this industry. The tight competition in the industry requires a company to run its business operations effectively and effici... see more

Pags. 6839 - 6848  

Suwarno Suwarno

Adanya penerapan digital marketing pada pelayanan pelanggan di Product Maintenance keseluruhan aktivitasnya berbasis media digital seperti: website, link, aplikasi dan menggunakan jaringan internet. Aplikasi yang digunakan oleh Product Maintenance antara ... see more

Pags. 6849 - 6856  

Christian Harazaki Mendrofa,Dadang Suganda,Evi Novianti

South nias regency has a very unique and diverse tourism potential. the diversity of tourism potential starts from the existence of megalithic relics to the beauty of natural panoramas and beaches. in an effort to increase growth in the development sector... see more

Pags. 6857 - 6864  

Yoga Esha Syaffitra,Elfitra Elfitra,Elfitra Elfitra,Azwar Azwar,Azwar Azwar

Rehabilitation is the recovery process for addicts to addiction to narcotics abuse in a comprehensive manner covering biospycosocial and spiritual aspects so that it requires a long time, willpower, patience, consistency, and continuous learning. Padang c... see more

Pags. 6865 - 6872  

Danang Miftayugi,Pranoto SA,Dyah Ari Wulandari

Batujai Reservoir is located in Central Lombok Regency. It is used to supply the demand for irrigation water and power generation. The development of the upstream area of the reservoir causes a high rate of soil erosion, which in turn triggers the problem... see more

Pags. 6873 - 6882  

Cok Adithya Wiraputra Yudha,I Nyoman Subanda

This research was conducted to know the Portrait of Ecotourism in Bali Aga, public participation in supporting ecotourism and ecotourism development strategies for the rural area of Bali Aga SCTPB in Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The data analysis te... see more

Pags. 6883 - 6890  

Reza Permadi

Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam rangka untuk memberikan nilai tambah pariwisata minat khusus di sulawesi tengah paska bencana alam 28 september 2018. sesar palu-koro adalah jalur gempabumi di sulawesi tengah yang memiliki pergeseran tercepat di asia tengga... see more

Pags. 6891 - 6896  


This study aims to reveal what aspects have not been implemented related to the fulfillment of basic human needs according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution in Laju Village, Langgudu District, Bima Regency. This study is an empirical legal research ... see more

Pags. 6897 - 6902  

Laeko Lapandewa,Darwin Rukua,Ivana Ivana,Muhammad Ikbal Zakariah,M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

 Kesehatan adalah kebutuhan primer manusia untuk menjalankan fungsi dan peranannya sehingga mampu memperoleh kesejahteraan, dan menjadi hak bagi setiap warga Negara. Rumah sakit sesuai dengan fungsinya (melaksanakan pelayanan medis, dan pelayanan pen... see more

Pags. 6903 - 6916  

Nauvaliana Ashri

Perkembangan sistem teknologi informasi terjadi secara pesat semejak munculnya World Wide Web atau yang dikenal dengan Website ditahun 1989. Hadirnya sistem ini bertujuan untuk membantu manusia dalam melakukan pertukaran serta pembaruan informasi. Namun s... see more

Pags. 6917 - 6926  

Firman Gazali Djunaidi,Rahma Satya Masna Hatuwe,Feni Feni Ayu Lestari,A Yusdianti T,M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

The Covid-19 pandemic is a test of the resilience of a nation. In the economic field, the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has developed in such a way and caused a contraction of the global economy. However, the current Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesi... see more

Pags. 6927 - 6934  

Hisab Akbar Regaty

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis wacana kritis dalam hoaks terkait Jokowi pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Fenomena hoaks pada masa pandemi terjadi karena konteks-konteks sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat. Penelitian ini melihat jik... see more

Pags. 6935 - 6940  

Putu Krisna Adwitya Sanjaya,I Nyoman Suta Widnyana,Ni Putu Ayu Kusumawati,I Wayan Ale Setiawan,Putu Ayu Diana Gita Maharani,I Nyoman Teguh Surya Dharma Laksana

Era revolusi industri 4.0 dan situasi pandemi COVID 19 menuntut entitas usaha untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan teknologi informasi berbasis digital secara tepat guna yakni melakukan pemasaran produk usaha. Namun saat ini tidak banyak BUMDes yang menggunakan... see more

Pags. 6941 - 6948  

Yulia Yulia,Rostiar Sitorus

Meningkatnya industri warung kopi menjadi salah satu indikasi bahwa adanya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan meningkatnya konsumsi kopi di Indonesia. Wabah Covid-19 seperti yang ada sekarang ini, membuat banyak pelaku usaha kedai kopi yang tutup dikarenakan tidak m... see more

Pags. 6949 - 6962  

Dwi Dewianawati

This study aims to determine the effect of financial and non-financial compensation on the performance of General Hospital employees. As well as evaluating whether the compensation provided by the company to employees is appropriate or not, and to find ou... see more

Pags. 6963 - 6976  

Wuryani Wuryani

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tantangan yang dihadapi Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan DIY dalam mentransformasikan diri menjadi corporate university dan merumuskan strategi pengembangannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kua... see more

Pags. 6977 - 6988  

Muthmainnah Muthmainnah,Danes Jaya Negara,Roby Sambung,Yunikewaty Yunikewaty

Researchers in the field of management used a knowledge management method (tacit and explicit knowledge) combined with learning management mediation, in order to improve employeee performance,. The data for this study was acquired via a questionnaire, and... see more

Pags. 6989 - 6998  

Farhan Luqmanulhakim,Zainal Abidin,Rastri Kusumaningrum

This study discusses persuasive communication between customers and baristas in a coffee shop, namely Starbucks Coffee. In this article, we discuss how the barista serves his customers well so that the customer is satisfied with the barista's service usin... see more

Pags. 7395 - 7406  

Adinda Febryllia Nanda Putri Bintari,Irda Sari

Based on the results of research conducted at the Salak Hospital, Bogor, there were several medical record files that were misplaced or missing (misfiled). Misplaced or missing files can hamper the patient care process and cause delays in the outpatient s... see more

Pags. 7433 - 7438  

Azwarni Azwarni,Nora Hayani,Eva Sulistiany

The natural aging process will be accompanied by a decrease in body function, both physical and psychological functions, which will result in impaired movement and function in the elderly. Decreased muscle strength as a result of the aging process will af... see more

Pags. 7439 - 7446  

Yohan Yohan,Samuel Yulius Sir,Andi Alimuddin Rauf,Vera Sri Endah Cicilia

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: Pertama, memberikan gambaran permintaan terhadap komoditi tanaman bunga hias yang dipasarkan di Pasar Inpres Manonda Kota Palu; Kedua, menghitung dan menganalisis Elastisitas Permintaan komoditi tanaman bunga hias yang dipa... see more

Pags. 7487 - 7496