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Volume 14 Number 2 Year 2013

8 articles in this issue 

Ratu Siti Aliah

An evaluation of the environmental status of the northern coastal area of Karawang was conducted in the wet and the dry season to understand their feasibility to support aquaculture development. Theevaluation result showed that in the wet season, the wate... see more

Pags. 67 - 74  

Nuril Hidayanti

One approach to remediate toxic metal pollutants is phytoextraction using hyperaccumulator plants. These plant species are able to accumulate high concentrations of metal ions without suffering fromyield reduction as a result of metal toxicity. Physiologi... see more

Pags. 75 - 82  

Pandu Purwandaru

Indonesia is the third largest quantity of rice production country in the world with 64 millions metric tons per year. The quantity of rice that produced is running parallel to the quantity of hay, it can be seen from the harvest per kg to produce 1 to 1,... see more

Pags. 83 - 88  

Arif Dwi Santoso,Kardono .,Joko P. Susanto

In the future, Indonesia is predicted to be hit by national energy crisis so that it needs to do some efforts to overcome its dependences on these fossil energy sources. One of the efforts to lower high dependency on fossil energy sources is to find renew... see more

Pags. 89 - 94  

Mubekti .

Sagu sawit adalah salah satu Genus Metroxylon dari keluarga Palmae , yang mengakumulasi sejumlah besar pati di batangnya. Sebagai sumberdaya makanan bertepung, sagu bisa menjadi peran penting sehubungan dengan kemungkinan kekurangan pangan di dunia di mas... see more

Pags. 95 - 100  

Muhammad Lindu,Putri Ardyarini,Ratna Ningsih

This research studied about photocatalysis that used TiO2 0.1% as catalisator to polluted water from Waduk Pluit, Muara Baru, North Jakarta. In order to decrease polluted agents like surfactant, KMnO4 organic, and ammoniac that will use as source of clean... see more

Pags. 101 - 106  

Fauziah Nurhamiddin,Zulkifli Zam-Zam

DISTRIBUSI KONSENTRASI LOGAM BERAT (CUDAN CD) PADA SEDIMEN SUNGAI MENGGUNAKANTEKNIK DIFFUSIVE GRADIENT IN THIN FILM =Distribution of Cu and Cd Concentration in the River usingDiffusive Gradient in Thin Film TehniqueFauziah Nurhamiddin* dan Zulkifli Zam Za... see more

Pags. 107 - 114  

Setyawan Purnama

Recently, problem related to water resources, especially groundwater is more complex. Basically there are three problems related to groundwater resources i.e. quantity, quality and its distribution (spatially or temporary). Conservation is needed to be do... see more

Pags. 115 - 120