DISTRIBUSI KONSENTRASI LOGAM BERAT (CU DAN CD) PADA SEDIMEN SUNGAI MENGGUNAKAN TEKNIK DIFFUSIVE GRADIENT IN THIN FILM = Distribution of Cu and Cd Concentration in the River using Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film Tehnique 10.29122/jtl.v14i2.1429


DISTRIBUSI KONSENTRASI LOGAM BERAT (CUDAN CD) PADA SEDIMEN SUNGAI MENGGUNAKANTEKNIK DIFFUSIVE GRADIENT IN THIN FILM =Distribution of Cu and Cd Concentration in the River usingDiffusive Gradient in Thin Film TehniqueFauziah Nurhamiddin* dan Zulkifli Zam Zam*** Fakultas MIPA Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara** Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Khairun TernateE-mail: zul_kifli79@ymail.comDiterima: 01 April 2013; Dikoreksi: 04 Mei 2013; Disetujui : 12 Mei 2013AbstractSediment in the bottom of the river has the potential as a store of inorganic compounds such as Cuand Cd, which are from human activities. The purpose of this research was to determine the typeand nature of the sediment contained in the river, to know the characteristics of the sediments andthe distribution of Cu and Cd concentrations in variations of the river sediment depth, as well as todetermine the concentration profiles of Cu and Cd in each sediment depth. The results showed thatthe type of sediment in the Brantas River can be classified into argillaceous sand. The concentrationof Cu and Cd in the second location is higher than in the first location. Cu metal concentrations insediments ranged from 0.0028 to 0.0922 ppm, and Cd metal concentration in the sediments rangedfrom 0.0022 to 0.2147 ppm .Brantas River sediments on both locations can be classified into fullysustained type which the sediments are able of to supply solutes into the pore water so that fluxsolute to pore water is equal to the flux solutes from pore water to prob DGT. This happens becausethe speed of diffusion of solutes from the solid particles sediment to pore water is equal to the speedof diffusion of solute from the pore water to prob DGT. Sediments at both locations can be includedin the category of fully unsustained. From these results, it can be concluded that the Brantas Riversediments have a role that is not functioning as a store of Cu and Cd metal because it is easy torelease metals into the river.Keywords: sediments, heavy metals, Cu, Cd, DGTAbstrakSedimen di bawah sungai berpotensi sebagai penyimpan senyawa anorganik seperti Cu dan Cd,yang berasal dari aktifitas manusia di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuijenis dan sifat sedimen yang terdapat pada Sungai, mengetahui karakteristik sedimen dandistribusi konsentrasi Cu dan Cd dalam variasi kedalaman sedimen sungai, serta menentukan profilkonsentrasi Cu dan Cd pada tiap kedalaman sedimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenissedimen pada sungai Brantas dapat digolongkan kedalam pasir berlempung. Konsentrasi logamCu dan Cd pada lokasi II lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lokasi I. Konsentrasi logam Cu dalamsedimen berkisar antara 0,0028-0,0922 ppm, dan konsentrasi logam Cd dalam sedimen berkisar0,0022-0,2147 ppm Sedimen Sungai Brantas pada kedua lokasi penelitian dapat digolongkan padajenis fully sustained dimana sedimen mampu mensuplai solute kedalam air pori sehingga fluk soluteke pore water sama dengan fluk solute dari pore water ke prob DGT. Hal ini karena kecepatan diffusisolute dari partikel padat sedimen ke pore water sama dengan kecepatan diffusi solut dari pore wateke prob DGT. Sedimen pada kedua lokasi dapat dimasukkan dalam katagori fully unsustained. Darihasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sedimen Sungai Brantas Hulu mempunyai peran yangtidak dapat berfungsi sebagai penyimpan logam Cu dan Cd di perairan.karena mudah melepaskanlogam kembali ke perairan.Kata kunci : Sedimen, Logam berat, Cu, Cd ,DGT

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