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Volume 1 Number 3 Year 2000

12 articles in this issue 

Petrus Nugro Rahardjo

The very limited natural resources, especially in small islands such as in Thousand Island, north Jakarta, may cause a lot of environmental problems if the inhabitant is not wise in managing and exploiting its environmental power resources. One of the chr... see more


Netty Widyastuti

          Saving the world genetic germplasm has been world community’s concern. It is a must to find a way to preserve Indonesian’s food plant biodiversity. In vitro technique culture is a proper alternative c... see more


Yudhi Soetrisno

         Saat ini deterjen telah digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat, sehingga limbahnyapun tersebar di setiap badan air. Limbah yang kadangkala nampak sebagai buih-buih putih tersebut dipastikan mempunyai dampak ... see more


Sutopo Purwo Nugroho

       Water quality monitoring effort increased with concern about protection ofthe water quality from waterbody. AGNPS model, which was developed toobjectively evaluate alternative land management strategies on non point so... see more


Joko Prayitno Susanto,Teguh Prayudi

Analisa polutan udara ambien seperti NO2, SO2, O3 dan lain-lain denganmenggunakan Metode Passive Sampler telah banyak digunakan di negara-negara maju seperti Jepang, Thailand, China, USA. Sedangkan di Indonesia, metode ini masih belum dikenal luas. Metode... see more


Nusa Idaman Said,Wahyu Widayat

        Berdasarkan data ststistik 1995, prosentasi banyaknya rumah tangga dan sumber air minum yang digunakan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia sangat bervariasi tergantung dari kondisi geografisnya. Secara nasional yakni... see more


Sudaryono Sudaryono

Perkembangan kota yang tidak terkendali sering menimbulkan berbagai persoalan baik sosial, ekonomi, keamanan dan lingkungan, utamanya masalah pencemaran terhadap air permukaan maupun air tanah yang bersumber dari limbah industri, domistik, maupun limbah p... see more


Teddy W Sudinda

Ketersediaan data debit sungai di P. Natuna sangat kurang dan jarang biladibandingkan dengan P. Jawa. Oleh karena itu dirasakan perlu untukmengembangkan suatu metoda untuk mensimulasi data debit untuk setiap lokasi yang tidak mempunyai pos duga air sama s... see more


F.Heru Widodo

         Technology of weather modification is one of human interventions to manage atmospheric resources. Other than to increase rainfall, the UPT Hujan Buatan is currently assessing the application of weather modi... see more


Joko Prayitno Susanto

Dalam paper ini akan dilaporkan tentang hasil penelitian analisa ion phosphatpada konsentrasi rendah (ultra-trace concentration) yang terkandung dalamsampel air dengan metoda FIA - spektrophotometer. Penelitian ini didasarkanpada reaksi pembentukan ion as... see more


Satmoko Yudo

In the next World Free Trade Era, presumably 70% industrial growth, especially in Java will be centered around the cities and this situation will increase environmental pollutions. The government continuously do the efforts to keep down the problems altho... see more


Sri Wahyono

Pulp and paper mills are one of the important industries that contribute ingovernment’s income. Unfortunatelly, they also produce the wastes, such assludge that potentially degrade the environmental quality. The common treatments of sludge are landfilling... see more