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Volume 7 Number 3 Year 2006

13 articles in this issue 

Amita Indah Sitomurni

Environment is now an important global current issue and as a factor thatmust be considered in the implementation of Indonesian nationaldevelopment. Entering globalization era, the condition of environment willbe one of the parameters required for a count... see more


Kusno Wibowo

Indonesia contains about one-third of the world’s total mangroves areas,but experts say more than half of the country’s mangrove forest havebeen destroyed since the 1940s. The main sustainable alternatives tocoastal aquaculture pond development within or ... see more


Nida Sopiah

Linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) represents one of active substanceof surfactants in detergents of which in high concentrations may causeenvironmental pollutions. The aim of the research was to know theefficiency of exclusion of LAS and the rate of LAS... see more


Budhi Priyanto

In this experiment, Lemna sp. was exposed to surfactants LAS and ABSand a commercial detergent following method described by OECD. In thetest, 10 fronds of Lemna sp. were grown in a modified MS mediumcontaining the surfactants and detergent in the concent... see more


Titin Handayani

Mangrove area in Muara Angke was dominated by api-api (Avicenniamarina) and bakau (Rhizophora mucronata). We asume that thesespecies was able to acumulate h  eavy metals, since both of them haveadapted in this environmental condition which content of... see more


Rosyid Hariyadi

Duriangkang resevoir (62.000.000 m ) physically located in DuriangkangCatchement Area of Batam island. The main function of Duriangkangresevoir is the water resources to support 78 % of drinking water supplyneeds of Batam Island with the processing capaci... see more


Budhi Priyanto

Economically, Rawa Danau is important fresh water source for cities ofCilegon and Serang and industrial estates in the area. Ecologically, RawaDanau is the last and the only mountainous freshwater swamp still exists inJava island. In the last decade there... see more


Wage Komarawidjaja

Shrimp culture has became one of the most important Indonesian exportcommodity since 1985 up to the beginning of 1990`s. Due to theincreasing intensification, the pressure on the shrimp ponds environmenthas became a serious problem. The problem was indica... see more


Rosyid Hariyadi

Duriangkang Reservoir including the estuary resevoir is built by makingresevoir at the estuary of Duriangkang River. The main function ofDuriangkang Reservoir is the raw water resources to support 78 % ofdrinking wate supply needs on Batam Island. One of ... see more


Agung Riyadi

PT. Medco Ethanol Lampung has been constructed factory for cassavaand mollase processing in order to product Rectified-Ethanol at Talang JaliVillage, Kotabumi North Lampung. The estimation of capacity productionis around 190.000 liter per day. Maximum nec... see more


Yudhi Soetrisno

Cirata is one of three reservoirs lay in Citarum River, where the waterbody is used to fish culture in floating net. Lately, one or two times in ayear, fish in the floating n die massly because of the water quality ofet reservoirs have worsen, which resul... see more


Erma Najmiyati

Test were conducted to find the biopotency of pituitary glands that havebeen dry-preserved for 0, 1, 2 3 and 4 months. Pituitary glands, obtainedfrom the waste of fillet production plant of Pangasius pangasius, weredried gradually in acetone. The treatmen... see more


Ikhwanuddin Mawardi

Forest resources are really under pressure nowadays and leave only theconservation areas, although they are already standing on a risky zone ofencroachments and illicit felling. The most important issues to beaddressed in order to enable social forestry a... see more