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Volume 5 Number 1 Year 1912

10 articles in this issue 

Suriani Suriani, Amran Muis, Septian Hary Kalqutny

Foxtail millet has the potential to be developed as a healthier food alternative because of its high nutritional value. Disease such as leaf blight caused by Bipolaris setariae is one of the limiting factors in Foxtail millet productivity. One of the effo... see more

Pags. 1 - 7  

Eko Binnaryo Mei Adi, Sri Indrayani, Nana Burhana, Enung Sri Mulyaningsih

Rice is one of the main sources of carbohydrates for Indonesian society. The development of new varieties depends on the availability of germplasm as the source genetic material. The development of new varieties can be done through artificial crosses (loc... see more

Pags. 8 - 17  

Maman Suryaman, Ida Hodiyah, Yeni Nuraeni

The germination period is a critical phase of abiotic stress, including salinity stress.  Invigoration can be done to reduce the effect of salinity stress and speed up the germination process. This research was aimed to find out the effect of invigor... see more

Pags. 18 - 26  

Ismed Inonu, Rion Apriyadi, Dera Utari

Post-tin mining is mostly in the form of sand tailings, with a texture dominated by the sand fraction, so that the water holding capacity is low. The growick irrigation system was developed for plant cultivation in post-mining land, by utilizing a capilla... see more

Pags. 27 - 33  

Hishar Mirsam, Masluki Masluki, Mutmainnah Mutmainnah

Rhizosphere and endophytic fungi are functional types of microbes capable of producing secondary metabolites that can affect plant growth directly or indirectly. This study aims to isolate and test the rhizosphere and endophytic fungi' ability from Moring... see more

Pags. 34 - 43  

Slamet Bambang Priyanto, Noladhi Wicaksana, Meddy Rachmadi

The improvement of low nitrogen tolerant hybrid maize face on genotype x environment the genotype x environment interaction caused a genotype unable to maintain its appearance under suboptimal conditions. it caused the breeders difficult to choose varieti... see more

Pags. 44 - 53  

Atma Elfahdi

Microwave treatment on white pepper was conducted to damage cell tissue to facilitate the distillation and increase the yield of essential oils. The research objective was to determine the effect of pepper varieties and microwave treatment on the profiles... see more

Pags. 54 - 63  

Maisya Zahra Al Banna, Widiastini Arifuddin

Bamboo are known having a high adaptive ability to tolerate environmental changes or stresses. Endogenous microorganisms in several parts of bamboo have been reported used as organic fertilizer and biocompost. However, bacterial potential as auxin (IAA) p... see more

Pags. 72 - 80  

Sri Nurmayanti, M Tahir, Gusti Ayu Putu Dianti

Patchouli is a plant that produces essential oils that cannot be substituted with other essential oils.  The genetic diversity of patchouli is low, because in Indonesia there are only five superior clones, and this is caused a limitation for cultivat... see more

Pags. 81 - 88