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Number Vol99 Year 2008

17 articles in this issue 

Coenie Burger

The Reformation’s Understanding of the Faith Community (Congregation) as a Public Community This article focuses on the Reformed theological understanding of the church as a public church. Although the Reformation did not know the term ‘public church’, th... see more

Pags. 245 - 258  

John Forbis

This article promotes a faith in God determined by our experience and particularlyhow we articulate that experience. Postmodernism suggests that language can onlyexpress signifiers and metaphors in the absence of any essential meaning. Therefore,we are fr... see more

Pags. 259 - 267  

Stuart J Foster

Twentieth century translations of the biblical Hebrew term ???? , ‘covenant’, (and itsNew Testament Greek equivalent, d?a????) into thirty-five African languages withabout 68 million speakers tend to be quite weak, relying heavily on neologisms andneglect... see more

Pags. 268 - 274  

Julius Mutugi Gathogo

The paper sets out to demonstrate that any emerging post Cold War theology, inAfrica, ought to underline the concept of hospitality as it is not only an inherentlyAfrican conception but more importantly, it is both a reconstructive and reconciliativeeleme... see more

Pags. 275 - 287  

Leo J Koffeman

A history of at least sixty years of ecumenical co-operation in the area of humanrights shows continuous attention to the concept of human dignity. However it is notself-evident that this concept furthers ecumenical dialogue as well as dialogue withother ... see more

Pags. 288 - 298  

Klaus Nürnberger

As part of a research project on ancestor veneration in the church this essayexplores the stance of biblical witness on a few fundamental issues: (a) Howimportant is past history for the biblical faith? (b) What is the role of the primeancestors of Israel... see more

Pags. 299 - 311  

Danie C van Zyl

Notions on sickness and healing in the Old Testament are explored with reference tothe HIV/Aids pandemic. Over and above simply collecting insights from the OldTestament, a more ‘involved reading’ of texts, particularly of Psalms, as suggestedby Brueggema... see more

Pags. 312 - 320  

Johannes N Vorster

If same-sex discourse is part of regulatory practices that both produce and controlbodies, its development in the Dutch Reformed Church requires a genealogicalenquiry into the discursive practices from which it has emerged. It is argued that thesame-sex d... see more

Pags. 321 - 336  

Robert Vosloo

This essay explores the notion of temporality in Bonhoeffer’s thought. After anintroductory reference to an early text of Bonhoeffer that reveals his passion formovement and the moment, the essay comments briefly on the direction ofEmmanuel Levinas’s refl... see more

Pags. 337 - 349  

David Chidester

Against the background of defining, theorizing, humanizing, nationalizing, andglobalizing religion in South Africa, this essay recalls the diverse ways in whichreligious fundamentalism has registered in South Africa as an ‘inauthentic’ claim onreligious a... see more

Pags. 350 - 367  

Yehoshua Gitay

This paper asks the question: what is the meaning of Jewish Fundamentalism today?It tells the story of Jewish Fundamentalism as an exceptional phenomenon incurrent Jewish history which revolves around the matter of the Biblical idea of thePromised Land an... see more

Pags. 368 - 378  

Yasien Mohamed

This paper deals with the concept of Muslim Fundamentalism and places SayyidQutb within this broad context. The paper discusses two key concepts of Qutb’sfundamentalism, namely jihad (struggle) and jahilliyyah (ignorance). Qutb introduceda new understandi... see more

Pags. 379 - 387  

Xolani Sakuba

This article explores the possibility that, although there is no full-blown ‘Africanfundamentalism’, certain fundamentalist tendencies can be detected among adherentsof African Traditional Religion. After a summary of typical features of ATR,two area are ... see more

Pags. 388 - 403  

Douglas Lawrie

Assuming that mere opposition to fundamentalism is counter-productive, if nothypocritical, this article calls for an understanding of the question fundamentalismseeks to answer: What is to fill the space between the ‘most sacred’ and the ‘mostmundane’? It... see more

Pags. 404 - 421  

Hendrik Bosman

The term ‘fundamentalism’ is often used to ridicule any strong religious convictionand greater conceptual clarity must be achieved to do justice to conservative andevangelical approaches that are decidedly not fundamentalist. This contributionattempts to ... see more

Pags. 422 - 431  

Werner Lategan

To a large extent, patristic and medieval modes of exegesis and interpretation ofScripture remain an unfamiliar and inaccessible world for most faith communities.The Church’s Bible commentary series attempts to change this situation, andis designed “to pr... see more

Pags. 433 - 435  

Bishop Dr Ernst Baasland

A goal for a new commentary series is to accomplish it within a relatively short periodof time. The Pillar series, edited by DA Carson, has now reached more than half thedistance to completion, and seems to have succeeded in this respect. The ambitious pu... see more

Pags. 436 - 438