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Number Vol86 Year 2004

14 articles in this issue 

Ernst M. Conradie

Most of the articles in this edition of Scriptura derive from a conference of theTheological Society of South Africa that was held at the Hammanskraal campus ofthe University of Pretoria from 20-22 June 2003. The topic of the conference was“Theology and g... see more

Pags. 149 - 150  

Ezra Chitando

HIV/AIDS poses a serious existential challenge in Africa. Its effects have beendevastating, particularly for the disadvantaged members of society. Women,children, orphans, displaced people, prisoners and others have been negativelyaffected by the pandemic... see more

Pags. 151 - 159  

Gerald West

Do texts have ideological grain, and if so, can we read against this grain? Thisquestion lies at the heart of this article. Even those biblical scholars frominterpretative traditions that have emphasized the liberatory character of the Biblehave had to ad... see more

Pags. 160 - 173  

Nisbert Taisekwa Taringa

This paper investigates the extent of sexism in the African concept of God withspecial reference to the Shona of Zimbabwe. Much of the discussion about Africantheology tends to present African concepts of God in the context of westernChristian theology wh... see more

Pags. 174 - 179  

André Jonas Chitlango,Anthony Balcomb

Ntumbuluku is a word in Tsonga culture which is difficult to define but whichdepicts the essence of Tsonga culture with respect to the law and its requirements. Itimpacts on the whole of life, including issues of gender, and especially concerningthe role ... see more

Pags. 180 - 189  

Nico Koopman

In this article an anthropology characterized by vulnerability, relationality anddependence is offered as a pathway towards building male and female relations thatare characterized by harmony and joy. This anthropology is in contradiction to themodernisti... see more

Pags. 190 - 200  

Piet Naude

In a short methodological note on the complex array of feminist theologicalviewpoints, it is argued that the focus on language (metaphors) and its relation toreality is a common concern for most feminists. Whereas much creative reinterpretationor the bibl... see more

Pags. 201 - 209  

Cynthia Holder Rich

1. Women’s Revolt, Story and AnalysisOn April 3, 1822, King Radama, monarch of the Merina kingdom of Madagascar, cut his hair.Before he cut them, Radama had long, intricately woven braids, and his hair had never beencut. The braids of the monarch, and the... see more

Pags. 210 - 223  

Douglas Pratt

The issue of homosexuality is vexing the church throughout much of the world andseems to be most heated around the issue of clergy. Negative reactions to theprospect of the church endorsing homosexual clergy appear to suggest that suchclergy pose a sort o... see more

Pags. 224 - 233  

Lovemore Togarasei

There are numerous questions on gender and theology that have to be addressed inthe African context. This article focuses on the dominance of women in theZimbabwean gospel music industry. It opens with a brief history of the place ofwomen in traditional m... see more

Pags. 234 - 240  

Clint Le Bruyns

The prevailing position against women’s ordination to the ministerial priesthood inthe Roman Catholic Church presents itself as an ongoing ecumenical dilemmawithin and beyond its ecclesial borders. This paper provides an overview of the‘official’ position... see more

Pags. 241 - 250  

Ernst M. Conradie

This paper is born from recognition of the responsibility of engaging in“contemporary theology”, that is, the task of articulating and reflecting on thequestion “Who is God and what is God doing today, in my life, in my family, in thisChristian community,... see more

Pags. 252 - 270  

Jeremy Punt

Amidst the proliferation of methods in New Testament interpretive practices, the quest for the meaning of texts has only increased even though the elusive nature of textual meaning is more readily admitted and although the once-dominant position of meanin... see more

Pags. 271 - 291  

Annette Evans

Conflicting descriptions of Coptic identity still exist today. The Copts regardthemselves as those descendents of Pharaonic Egyptians who have retained theiridentity because of their Christian faith, in spite of Egypt having become apredominantly Islamic,... see more

Pags. 292 - 301