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ISSN: 2088-1231    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 13 Number 1 Year 2023

15 articles in this issue 

Ririn Wulandari,Mahrinasari MS

Objectives: This study analyzes the factors that influence the attitude toward not smoking and its effect on the intention to quit smoking with utilitarian, hedonic, and risky behavior considered as a moderating variable.Methodology: This quanti... see more

Pags. 1 - 14  

Azura Rizkiatami,Yolanda Masnita,Kurniawati Kurniawati

Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to examine factors influencing consumer green purchase behavior towards international and local sustainable and slow-fashion brands in Indonesia. The fashion industry contributes 10% of total carbon emissions globa... see more

Pags. 15 - 29  

Eka Desy Purnama,C. Catur Widayati

Objectives: The phenomenon in this study is that the skills possessed by employees are still not optimal, as well as the lack of knowledge of banking products that must be mastered by front liners, especially in the teller department so that the impa... see more

Pags. 30 - 48  

Nizar Alam Hamdani,Arum Mutmainah,Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani,Sukma Nugraha,Intan Permana

Objectives: Mobile commerce is an appropriate omnichannel practice adoption for fashion retail. Omnichannel in the retail industry is currently becoming an innovation strategy to increase consumer interaction by integrating various sales channel serv... see more

Pags. 49 - 62  

Tonny Yuwanda,Leni Gustina,Shinta Bella

 Objectives: This study aims to investigate the importance of strategy to increase competitive advantage which was studied from creativity, Innovative Work Behavior, and preceded by psychological empowerment through the mediating effects of the creat... see more

Pags. 63 - 77  

Masno Marjohan

 Objectives: The goal of this research is to research and determine the influence of financial performance and fair share price on investment decisions with competent management for a Real Estate and Construction Property firm listed on the Indonesia... see more

Pags. 78 - 89  

Meicy Augustine Lembono,Chrisanty Victoria Layman

 Objectives: The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of individual factors, environmental factors, and entrepreneurial behavior on the performance of MSMEs post the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.Methodology: This study uses a quanti... see more

Pags. 90 - 105  

Ade Lusiyana Nur Octavia Illahi,Bambang Dwi Suseno,Udin Suadina

 Objectives: Teachers need to know a lot about their subjects, be good at creating, managing, and evaluating learning using a variety of new methods, and be good at using teaching aids and learning media. They also need to be mature and require a tou... see more

Pags. 106 - 121  

John Chaidir,Panca Pertiwi Hidayati,Kunkun K. Harnadi

 Objective: The research objective was to identify and analyze the relationship between student ability and project-based learning (PBL) with increased learning, the relationship between critical thinking ability and project-based learning with ... see more

Pags. 122 - 137  

Jufrizen Jufrizen,Hazmanan Khair,Anggita Dwi Kesuma,Maya Sari,Molana Malik Pandia

 Objectives: This study aims to examine the process of forming Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in employees. This study uses job satisfaction as a mediating variable to clarify the mechanism of the influence of servant leadership and organi... see more

Pags. 138 - 160  

Anita Silvianita,Tri Indra Wijaksana

Objectives: The idea of absorptive capacity has become one of the most crucial ideas in the field of strategic management since it is frequently seen as a crucial component in developing innovative potential. Observations have been made regarding whe... see more

Pags. 161 - 175  

Heri Prabowo,Dimas Juli Pratomo,Ika Indriasari

Objectives: Based on the previous statement, this study aims to examine and analyze the effect of work-life balance, work discipline, and work environment on teacher job satisfaction and teacher performance. The population of this study were elementa... see more

Pags. 176 - 189  

Elkana Timotius,R Dimas Widya Putra

Objectives: The store layout in a minimarket is a strategy to encourage repeat purchases from customers. This study attempts to assess the layout design of the minimarket in Indonesia and comprehend its contribution to purchase intention.Methodology: This... see more

Pags. 190 - 207  

Andi Nur Insan,Asnawar Asnawar,Muhammad Nur,Masmarulan Masmarulan

Objectives: This research has the aim of knowing and analyzing the role of green human resources, including green recruitment and training, and the work environment that influences employee intention to leave. Employees at Sultan Hasanuddin International ... see more

Pags. 208 - 226  

Raeni Dwi Santy,Muhammad Iffan

Objectives: This study aims to analyze the effect of Artificial intelligence and gamification on online purchase intention, as well as the role of customer experience as a variable that mediates the effect of artificial intelligence and gamification on on... see more

Pags. 227 - 243