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ISSN: 1726-569X    frecuency : 2   format : Electrónica


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Volume 11 Number 1 Year 2005

11 articles in this issue 

Eduardo Rodríguez Yunta

This paper argues about the importance of developing an ethical culture, particularly in developing countries, so that international health research would be carried out ethically; and about the role of bioethics exercising a transdisciplinary dialogue in... see more


Zbigniew Szawarski

Few matters in medical ethics give rise to such passionate disputes and discussions as the issues of doctors' acceptances of diverse kinds of gifts, services or favours from grateful patients or pharmaceutical companies interested in acquiring a physician... see more


Michael A. Fournel

In recent times competitive, commercial and fiscal pressures have introduced new and challenging issues for the pharmaceutical industry. This essay identifies some of these issues and proposes mechanisms for their resolution. This overview is not intended... see more


Paul T. Schotsmans

This paper stresses the goals of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMM): to stimulate and promote the development and methodology in the field of philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare; to be a center for European scholars i... see more


Mauricio Olavarría Gambi

Chile presents a remarkable lessening of its poverty; indicators show that people's healthcare conditions are close to those of the developed countries. This paper analyses the healthcare conditions of people with the lowest incomes, if they have access t... see more


María Iliana Ortíz, Susana Palavecino

Is it possible for economy sciences to offer a bioethics" contribution for Public Health? Our aim was to establish a dialogue with economic trends developed during the last decades and to see how and up to what extent they can contribute to Public Health ... see more


María Lucrecia Rovaletti

The notion of "technical transcendency" or "operatory" is raised starting from man's definition as a "praxis being". Since technoscience establishes that limits are settled to be transgressed, it is compared with the concept of "utopia" as an "transcenden... see more


Gabriela Manitta

The possibility to recognize the madness that certain norms generate, such as the one that pretends to transform the medical action into an automaton's operation is stated around the uneasiness in the physician-patient relationship.Physicians may assume a... see more