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ISSN: 1726-569X    frecuency : 2   format : Electrónica


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Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2002

16 articles in this issue 

Eduardo Díaz Amado

Bioethics, in providing a stage for interdisciplinary discussion has as its challenge to argue in a context in which there is a multiplicity of ethical voices. The world today, consists of moral "relatives" and moral "strangers", as said by T Engelhardt; ... see more


Michel Maffesoli, Lorenzo Agar Corbinos

Urban areas are experiencing a latent rebellion, which is manifesting itself in numerous forms; each wave the culmination of increasing variety and imagination. Violence, a physical expression of this rebellion captures the hatred felt towards the establi... see more


Diego Gracia Guillén

Human Beings are respectable because they are Human Beings; not because they have the same worth or share the same beliefs. A new generation of human rights necessitates a new process of legitimization of political institutions. This is the essence of "De... see more


Debora Diniz

Este artículo analiza el discurso bioético y su propuesta de mediación en los conflictos morales en el terreno de la salud. Defiende la importancia de las teorías bioéticas reconocieren los principios de la incertidumbre y de la suficiencia de lo real com... see more


Fernando Lolas Stepke

This paper emphasizes the need to integrate bioethical reflection with the results of empirical social sciences, defined as those disciplines which describe and predict behavior of individuals and groups and strive at general causality principles. Cultiva... see more


Dietrich Von Engelhardt

Euthanasia refers to man's self image and his world's image; also to understanding sickness and death. In ancient times it meant an honorable and pleasant death and not the end of an active life. The art of death in the Christian Middle Ages was part of t... see more


Marcelo Arnold Cathalifaud

In this article social system theory was applied in order to analyze the repercussions of bioscientific applications in contemporary society, and furthermore in order to explain the risk status of a habitual means of communication. From this perspective, ... see more


James Drane

The basic philosophical vision and ethical principles of Catholic Natural Law claim universality. Natural Law thinking aspires to objectivity and universality and at the same time is open to the continuing influence from history and politics. The backgrou... see more


Pedro Morandé Court

Bioethics' interdisciplinary interchange, difficult and arduous, is this article's aim. First of all in relation to bioethics' fortuitous novelty and creativity from the mind's point of view. Essentially this reflection develops within philosophy's field,... see more


Leonides Santos y Vargas

This text proposes a number of reflections that issue fron the recent advancements that have taken place in investigations on the Human Genoma Project, which lead to the accelerated reinforcement of biomedical knowledge and technologies. The new statement... see more


Laura Rueda Castro, Orquídea Miranda Zúñiga

The difficulty to achieve full participation and social integration of people with handicap is recognized at world level, situation that involves fundamental ethical values. The application of bioethic principles directed towards the professional chore un... see more


María Lucrecia Rovaletti

The desire of knowledge, one of man's most important goals, there are also mixed wishes of other type, like ambition or competition, which can deviate him from his uninterested objectives. That is why there are many people who throw a suspect on this libi... see more