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ISSN: 1726-569X    frecuency : 2   format : Electrónica


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Volume 7 Number 1 Year 2001

15 articles in this issue 

Pierre Boitte

Ageing and geriatric care constitute two aspects (collective and individual) of the same social and cultural reality, and should motivate medicine towards a healthy transformation of its practice, therefore becoming more aware of its own limitations and g... see more


Lorenzo Agar Corbinos

At the beginning of the 19th century, the estimated world population was 978 millions. In more developed regions the proportion of people older than 60 was around 20%.Population in Latin America and the Caribbean will grow approximately 180 millions withi... see more


Martha Beller Holstein

Bioethical discourse, as it relates to common experiences of older people, has tended to focus on conflictive issues as they arise in long-term care. The primary value that this discourse upholds is autonomy, understood as self-direction, and the method o... see more


Fernando Lolas Stepke

The increase of senior citizens in last decades and the greater longevity of the population will bring a high demand for services in the final stages of life.There is a close association between ageing-as a process that intersects what is biological, soci... see more


María Eugenia Morales Contreras

Currently, Chile has a free market development model, which has been maintained within the last decade through some adjustments intended to correct different social imbalances.Capitalism without state intervention cannot be sustained in democratic countri... see more


James F. Drane

The idea of writing a chapter on aging seems particularly appropriate. I'm at the right age to address this topic. As I did the preparatory reading and research, I had an unusual experience. For the first time in my life, I felt like an expert. I could ju... see more


Carlos Trejo Maturana

A brief historical review of the role of the elderly over different periods in Western history is made.The esteem of the elderly had its highest point during primitive epochs when an illiterate culture prevailed. After those remote times their social valu... see more


Lía Susana Daichman Raskin

Resolving about resource allocation and the ethical dilemmas daily arising in geriatric care is becoming the pattern that will dominate health care during next decades.If elderly care in the community increasingly becomes the norm, the ethical dimensions ... see more


Cristián Mercado R.

Chile is a country that is growing older. Sanitary resource allocation is insufficient and there exists inadequate training in Geriatrics and Bioethics. Aging determines greater susceptibility and vulnerability when facing pathological aggressions. The el... see more


Martha B. Peláez, Marcela Ferrer Lues

By underlying the fact that the need to protect the human rights of the elderly has not yet been recognized by the international community, this paper analyses the discrimination older people may suffer because of age. Health, work and intergenerational t... see more


Roberto Mancini Rueda, Fernando Lolas Stepke

The explicit mention of bioethical requirements in biomedical publications involving human subjects and the inclusion of ethical criteria in the evaluation of scientific papers were investigated in a sample of journals from the Latin American and Caribbea... see more