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Volume 2 Number 3 Year 2019

6 articles in this issue 

Fefi Eka Wahyuningsih,Muchlis Achsan Udji Sofro,Meidiana Dwidiyanti DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.83-89

Breast cancer patients newly diagnosed and undergoing chemotherapy experience physical and emotional changes. Patients experience stress due to side effects of chemotherapy drugs, financial changes, self-perceptions and beliefs so that the risk of experie... see more

Pags. 83 - 89  

Hanifah Nur Laily,Elsa Naviati DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.90-96

The incident of burns in children aged 1-4 years is risk get disabled and death. This is caused the children still do not understand about the danger and handling it. The role of a mother is important to give first aid to reduce the severity. First aid fo... see more

Pags. 90 - 96  

Rastia Irmachatshalihah,Yunie Armiyati DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.97-104

The incidence of hypertension always increasing every year, the incidence of hypertension increased from 25,8% to 34.1% in 2018. The Hypertension’s patients were prone to psychological problems for example stress that could raise the blood pressure. The i... see more

Pags. 97 - 104  

Ghina Yustina Fazriyani,Desi Ariyana Rahayu DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.105-112

Body Dismorphic Disorder(BDD) tendency is a series of symptoms experienced by a person that leads to dissatisfaction with the physical appearance or body appearance that usually occurs in adolescent girls. Where female adolescences have more obsession wit... see more

Pags. 105 - 112  

Siti Saodah DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.113-120

The use of mechanical ventilators is at risk of causing complications, Ventilator Associated Pnemonia (VAP). The Associated Pnemonia (VAP) Ventilator is a nosocomial infection that occurs in patients with Ventilator consumption from 48 hours. VAP preventi... see more

Pags. 113 - 120  

Dwi Nur Aini,Menik Kustriyani,Arifianto Arifianto DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.3.2019.121-127

Diabetes mellitus is a collection of symptoms that arise in a person caused by an increase in blood glucose levels. Chronic diseases such as type II diabetes mellitus can affect their psychological condition, namely depression. From the preliminary result... see more

Pags. 121 - 127