10 articles in this issue
Afni Yan Syah,Dewiyuliana Dewiyuliana DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.175-183 Abstract view : 400 times
Bullying is a social phenomenon that often occurs in society, especially in adolescents. There are many biological, psychological, and social changes that can cause conflict problems between themselves and the surrounding environment. This causes the emer... see more
Wasilah Wasilah,Maryani Maryani,Nuraidah Nuraidah,Farida Murtiani DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.184-190 Abstract view : 205 times
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of electronic PAT flipchart to the Nurse’s knowledge. The research is Quasi Experiment without control group. The sample was the nurses in the emergency room and the pediatric inpatient room who met inclusion... see more
Bintang Viga Handika,Beti Kristinawati,Puji Kristini DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.191-197 Abstract view : 265 times
One of the effects that occur in chronic kidney failure can cause metabolic waste not to be eliminated by the kidneys and accumulate on the skin, which causes itching or commonly known as pruritus. Treatments to reduce pruritus can use emollient oil or ba... see more
Dewin Safitri,Tuti Pahria,Urip Rahayu DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.198-208 Abstract view : 224 times
Non-adherence of hemodialysis patients to diet and restriction of fluid restriction has a negative impact on health status. Various factors are associated with non-adherence to dietary and fluid restriction in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing he... see more
Anita Rachmawati,Tri Hartiti,Ela Fajrin,Fauzizah Puteri,Amelia Nabila DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.209-214 Abstract view : 86 times
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a nursing concept to improve the quality of health services. Many educational institutions have produced nursing research, but its application in nursing service practice has not been optimal because many nurses have not b... see more
Faradisa Yuanita Fahmi,Ellyana Ellyana,Warsono Warsono DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.215-223 Abstract view : 52 times
Osteoarthritis is the most common disease of arthritis which is defined as chronic inflammation of the joints due to damage to the cartilage. The global prevalence of knee osteoarthritis is 3.8% and 0.85% of hip osteoarthritis. Meanwhile in Indonesia, bas... see more
Anita Setyowati,Ta'adi Ta'adi,Dina Indrati Dyah Sulistyowati DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.224-233 Abstract view : 89 times
Appendectomy is done as soon as possible to reduce the risk of further perforation such as peritonitis or abscess. If not handled properly it can cause complications, slow down the recovery process, and increase the length of hospital stay. The purpose of... see more
Gita Cahyani,Hotma Rumahorbo,Sudirman Sudirman DOI : 10.26714/mki.6.3.2023.234-243 Abstract view : 98 times
Stroke is damage to brain tissue due to disruption of blood flow to the brain. One impact in stroke patients is weakness on one side of the body or hemiparesis. The management of stroke includes physical rehabilitation. However, many post-stroke patients ... see more
Dinny Atin Amanah,Elly Nurachmah,Prima Agustia Nova
Characteristic of heart failure patients is decreased activity tolerance which is defined as a decreased capacity to carry out activities accompanied by symptoms of dyspnea and/or significant fatigue. This study aimed to determine whether Inspiratory Musc... see more
Ahmad Abdul Ghofar Abdulloh,Ah. Yusuf,Nuzul Qur’aniati
Non-adherence in hypertensive patients is a serious challenge faced by health workers. The motivational interviewing (MI) is a patient-centered intervention and has been shown to change a person's compliance. The aim of this review is to investigate the i... see more