6 articles in this issue
Arifianto Arifianto,Dwi Nur Aini,Novita Diana Wulan Sari DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.1-9
Background : Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is a disease enlargement or hypertrophy of the prostate. Each surgery will arise as a result of wound incision procedures. Based on pre-study post operative patients with &... see more
Faradisa Yuanita Fahmi,titik hidayati,Nur Chayati DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.10-15
Background: Reducing salt care & reducing fluid intake is one of the efforts to prevent fluid imbalance in patients. The increase in the prevalence of events that occur in hemodialysis patients is caused by various factors, one of which is inaccuracy in d... see more
Anita Indra Afriani,Deny Rahmawati DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.16-20
Aromatherapy lavender can increase alpha waves in the brain and this gelombang helps to create a relaxed state. Lavender essential oil can reduce anxiety. Type of quantitative descriptive research with Quasi Experimental approach with pretest-posttes... see more
Theresia Ika,Eni Hidayati DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.21-28
Background: This epilepsy is considered a burden for the patient, the family and is considered an embarrassing disease, infectious disease and mental illness that makes the epileptic patient difficult to live a normal life, often experiencing discriminati... see more
Priharyanti Wulandari,Alifia Sofitamia,Menik Kustriyani DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.29-37
Background: Pregnancy is a time when there are dramatic changes both psychologically and biologically that can cause anxiety. From the results of interviews stated 7 of 10 third trimester pregnant mother said anxious moment before childbirth. Guided... see more
Yunie Armiyati,Khoiriyah Khoiriyah,Ahmad Mustofa DOI : 10.26714/mki.2.1.2019.38-48
Excess fluid is a major problem in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis must keep limiting fluid intake during the interdialysis period so that excess fluid does not occur. Consequently limiting fluid intake ari... see more