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Este trabajo analiza la construcción del acontecimiento moderno en la crónica de fines del XIX y la incidencia de la prensa amarilla, con su retórica hiperbólica y efectista, que hace uso de recursos afectivos. Analiza la serie de crónicas que José Martí ... see more

Two species of palm-leaf skeletonizers (Lepidoptera: Pterolonchidae: Homaledra Busck) that are invasive in Florida, USA are newly described. Homaledra howardi new species is described from Florida and the Dominican Republic. Homaledra knudsoni new species... see more

Arcola malloi (Pastrana, 1961) is a junior subjective synonym of Macrorrhinia endonephele (Hampson, 1918) syn. nov. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The species is a biological control agent introduced in United States and Australia to control alligatorweed, Alt... see more

Two Fabaceae in the Florida Keys, Pithecellobium keyense Coker and Guilandina bonduc Griseb., have been of interest because they are the larval host plants for the endangered Miami blue butterfly (Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri [Comstock & Huntington]; L... see more

In this study, eight different manure treatment plants were monitored. The plants were four on-farm and four centralized treatment plants, all of them at full-scale level. Assessment includes a total of seven pre-treatment and process units as follows: me... see more

Born in southern California in 1919, James Plummer Morgan would emerge from training at Berkeley and Louisiana State University to make several profound contributions in the disciplines of deltaic geology and coastal geomorphology. As an indirect, academi... see more

Coprophagy and probable saprophagy are reported for larvae of two species of chrysaugine moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Larvae of Parachma ochracealis Walker are found in rotten pine wood and mulch in North-Central Florida. Larvae of Basacallis tarachode... see more

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O texto busca refletir sobre a emergência daquele que é considerado o sentido moderno do conceito de Revolução, tendo como objetivo a discussão da trajetória que passa do significado tradicional e circular às circunstâncias que possibilitaram a análise da... see more

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Este artigo analisa o livro Para entender a Inquisição, do missionário católico Felipe Aquino, uma obra apologética que propõe uma revisão histórica sobre os tribunais de fé católicos medievais e modernos, partindo da premissa de que existem usos da ... see more

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