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Number Articles 0856-0859(March 2021) Year 2042

4 articles in this issue 

Stefano Ziani

The specific name in Mnematium ritchiei Macleay,1821 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeini) is an incorrect subsequent spelling—the original spelling is ritchii—but, because of its prevailing usage here documented, is to be preserved.


Lesley Ballantyne, Wan F. A. Jusoh

A single male specimen identified as Colophotia miranda Olivier (Coleoptera: Lampyridae: Luciolinae) by Blair and housed in the Natural History Museum, London, is redescribed, and its identification and affinities explored.


Trevor Randall Smith

A world catalogue and bibliography of the family Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera) is presented. The catalogue contains 207 species within 16 genera. Each taxon is accompanied by a complete taxonomic history, including a full annotated synonymy with original re... see more


James E. Hayden

Two species of palm-leaf skeletonizers (Lepidoptera: Pterolonchidae: Homaledra Busck) that are invasive in Florida, USA are newly described. Homaledra howardi new species is described from Florida and the Dominican Republic. Homaledra knudsoni new species... see more