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South Africa


6  Articles
1 of 2 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
This paper presents the design elements of a recently published monolingual Setswana dictionary, Tlhalosi ya Medi ya Setswana (Otlogetswe 2012), the fourth main Setswana monolingual dictionary to appear. The paper situates the dictionary within a recent, ... see more

This paper presents the design elements of a recently published monolingual Setswana dictionary, Tlhalosi ya Medi ya Setswana (Otlogetswe 2012), the fourth main Setswana monolingual dictionary to appear. The paper situates the dictionary within a recent, ... see more

This paper looks at how abbreviations and acronyms are treated in African language dictionaries in general compared to selected mainstream English dictionaries. Specifically, the study looks at their treatment in T.J. Otlogetswe's (2012) Tlhalosi ya Medi ... see more

This paper looks at how abbreviations and acronyms are treated in African language dictionaries in general compared to selected mainstream English dictionaries. Specifically, the study looks at their treatment in T.J. Otlogetswe's (2012) Tlhalosi ya Medi ... see more

This paper argues that the Setswana language is characterised by spelling variants which are a consequence of multiple factors. It considers spelling variants found amongst individual words as well as those found in multi-word expressions (MWEs). It argue... see more

This paper argues that the Setswana language is characterised by spelling variants which are a consequence of multiple factors. It considers spelling variants found amongst individual words as well as those found in multi-word expressions (MWEs). It argue... see more

1 of 2 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»