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Like many other aspects of South Africa's military tradition, our rank system is derived from that of the British Army. It has, however, been modified and developed over the years to suit our own particular requirements, and has become a distinctive syste... see more

Towards the end of 1899, at twenty years of age,2 Robert de Kersauson left for South Africa to enlist in the forces of the two South African republics. In May 1902, when peace was signed in Pretoria, he was still under arms and prepared ... see more

The study investigated leadership roles in academic libraries with the purpose of discovering the librarians’ perceptions as well as evidence of leading from within the ranks and not necessarily from a managerial or supervisory position. The reason for th... see more

Implicit in President Mbeki’s controversial announcement in February 2003 that the Commandos are to be phased out is a statement that the SAPS is now strong enough to police rural South Africa on its own, and that the uncomfortable, transitional role the ... see more

The main purpose of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives is to meet the credit needs of their partners. In addition to this purpose, meeting the input and home consumption requirements of the partners and marketing the various products grown by the partners a... see more

Penentuan posisi karyawan baru disebuah perusahaan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan kemajuan sebuah perusahaan. Sumberdaya manusia yang baik namun ditempatkan disebuah lingkungan kerja yang tidak sesuai dengan skill yang dimiliki maka h... see more

Based on the observations in the field, it showed that of SSB Tunas Jaya Jambi often fail when they were doing football skills. Besides, the exercise method was not systematic and football skill was still not perfect. Therefore, this study aimed at observ... see more

LA ASISTENCIA MÉDICA DEL DOCTOR GUILLERMO FERNÁNDEZ MASCARÓ AL LUGARTENIENTE GENERAL ANTONIO MACEO GRAJALES / MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FROM DR. GUILLERMO FERNÁNDEZ MASCARÓ TO LIEUTENANT GENERAL ANTONIO MACEO GRAJALES LA ASISTENCIA MÉDICA DEL DOCTOR GUILLERMO FERNÁNDEZ MASCARÓ AL LUGARTENIENTE GENERAL ANTONIO MACEO GRAJALES / MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FROM DR. GUILLERMO FERNÁNDEZ MASCARÓ TO LIEUTENANT GENERAL ANTONIO MACEO GRAJALESObjetivo: exponer detalles sobre la asistencia médica brindada por el doctor Guillermo Fernández Mascaró al lugarteniente general Antonio Maceo Grajales; dar a conocer su relación con el héroe, así como otros aspectos relacionados con el médico; y rendirle merecido tributo en el 60 aniversario de su fallecimiento.Desarrollo: Nacido en Bayamón, Puerto Rico, en 1870, ingresó en el Ejército Libertador el 8 de julio de 1895, con grado de comandante. Incorporado inicialmente a la 3ra brigada, 2da división, 1er cuerpo, que operaba en la región de Cambute, bajo el mando del entonces coronel Higinio Vélez; posteriormente pasó al Cuartel General de la División, subordinándose al entonces general de brigada Agustín Cebreco. Mascaró asistió los trastornos digestivos de Maceo y desarrolló con él una verdadera amistad.Conclusiones: el doctor Mascaró fue un médico mambí que se destacó por su labor asistencial a los trastornos digestivos del Titán de Bronce. el vínculo Maceo-Mascaró traspasó la relación médico paciente para convertirse en verdadera amistad, lo cual permitió al galeno ser testigo presencial del momento, en agosto de 1895, en que se crea el cargo de Lugarteniente General para el cual fue luego nominado Maceo. La fundación del Centro de Vacunación Antivariólica y el cumplimiento de otras misiones le permitieron al médico escalar con prontitud por los diferentes grados militares, para terminar la Guerra Necesaria como Coronel y Jefe de Sanidad del 1er Cuerpo en la Segunda División. Al licenciarse, el médico se desempeñó en otras labores no asistenciales que cumplió satisfactoriamente.AbstractObjective: to present details about the medical assistance provided by Dr. Guillermo Fernández Mascaró to Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo Grajales; publicize his relationship with the hero, as well as other aspects related to the doctor; and pay him a well-deserved tribute on the 60th anniversary of his death.Development: Born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico, in 1870, he joined the Liberation Army on July 8, 1895, with the rank of commander. He was initially incorporated into the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st Corps, which operated in the Cambute region, under the command of then-Colonel Higinio Vélez; later he went to the Division Headquarters, subordinating himself to the then Brigadier General Agustín Cebreco. Mascaró attended Maceo’s digestive disorders and developed atrue friendship with him.Conclusions: Dr. Mascaró was a Mambi doctor who stood out for his assistance to the digestive disorders of the Bronze Titan. The Maceo-Mascaró link went beyond the doctor-patient relationship to become a true friendship, which allowed the doctor to be an eyewitness of the moment, in August 1895, when the position of Lieutenant General was createdfor which Maceo was later nominated. The foundation of the Center for Smallpox Vaccination and the fulfillment of other missions allowed the doctor to climb promptly through the different military ranks, to end the Necessary War as Colonel and Chief of Health of the 1st Corps in the Second Division. Upon graduation, the doctor performed other non-care tasksthat he satisfactorily completed.

true friendship with him.Conclusions: Dr. Mascaró was a Mambi doctor who stood out for his assistance to the digestive disorders of the Bronze Titan. The Maceo-Mascaró link went beyond the doctor-patient relationship to become a true friendship, which all... see more

Carcinoma de Uretra en una gestante: presentación de un caso / Urethral Carcinoma in a pregnant woman: a case reportCarcinoma de Uretra en una gestante: presentación de un caso / Urethral Carcinoma in a pregnant woman: a case reportPaciente femenina de raza blanca, de 34 años de edad y 33 semanas de embarazo, acude al Cuerpo de Guardia del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Abel Santamaría Cuadrado" en Pinar del Río, con sangrado genital cuando se le realiza el examen físico; se comprueba que sangra con facilidad a través del meato uretral, donde se observa que emerge una tumoración vascularizada situada en la uretra distal. Se realizan los exámenes complementarios e imagenológicos, los cuales se encuentran en rangos normales. Se realizó el tratamiento quirúrgico exéresis de la tumoración, electrofulguración y biopsia, resultando ser un carcinoma epidermoide moderadamente diferenciado, que infiltra la submucosa que fue completamente removido y cursó con evolución clínica satisfactoria. Actualmente está asintomática. Palabras clave: carcinoma, uretra.ABSTRACT A 34 year-old white female patient with 33 weeks of pregnancy, attended to the Emergency Room at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital in Pinar del Rio presenting genital bleeding at physical examination; corroborating ease bleeding through the meatus urethrae and observing the appearance of a vascularized tumor in the distal urethra. Complementary and imaging examinations were performed being in normal ranks. Surgical treatment was carried out removing the tumor, performing the electrofulguration and biopsy which resulted in a moderately differentiate epidermoid carcinoma, that infiltrated the submucosa, completely removed having the patient a clinical satisfactory progress, currently asymptomatic.Key words: carcinoma, urethra.

ABSTRACT A 34 year-old white female patient with 33 weeks of pregnancy, attended to the Emergency Room at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital in Pinar del Rio presenting genital bleeding at physical examination; corroborating ease bleeding ... see more

1 of 110 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»