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Odontomas are the benign tumors, which are usually discovered by chance in radiographic images taken because of anomalies such as delayed eruption of teeth or malocclusion. Case study shows the course of diagnosis of an asymptomatic odontoma  in yout... see more

The widely accepted method of determining ages of beluga is to count dentine growth layer groups (GLGs) in median, longitudinal sections of a tooth. It is essential to understand how these growth layers form and to consider developmental factors that can ... see more

Actualización de aspectos relacionados con el Síndrome del Diente Fisurado Actualización de aspectos relacionados con el Síndrome del Diente FisuradoIntroducción: hace más de 30 años se describió una condición caracterizada por la presencia de una fisura dentaria o fractura dentaria incompleta, actualmente una marcada incidencia ha ocasionado que exista cierta confusión entre los clínicos. Esta entidad se conoce como Síndrome del Diente Fisurado. Objetivo: actualizar acerca de un grupo de aspectos relacionados con el Síndrome del Diente Fisurado. Material y Métodos: le realizó una revisión bibliográfica teniendo en cuenta la literatura científica y clásica de los últimos 5 años a la fecha, en idioma español e inglés, utilizando las bases de datos Ebesco, Scielo y Lis, de lo cual se obtuvieron más de 140 artículos de 22 países, que fueron decantados a 26 de acuerdo con la actualidad y ajuste real a los criterios académicos y prácticos de la Escuela Estomatológica Cubana. Desarrollo: la dificultad del diagnóstico del Síndrome del Diente Fisurado, el aumento en su incidencia, los nuevos conocimientos acerca de su etiología y los recientes avances en cuanto a los elementos diagnósticos y  tratamientos han hecho que se mantenga como un tema importante dentro de la literatura especializada contemporánea. En este trabajo se exponen las tendencias diagnósticas y terapéuticas más novedosas de modo que cada clínico pueda formar su propio criterio. Conclusiones: el Síndrome del Diente Fisurado es una de las primeras causas de extracción dentaria debido a los problemas para su identificación. Es quizás el problema bucal peor diagnosticado y el más confundido con otras entidades de tipo pulpar, periodontal o dolor buco-facial.Palabras clave: Síndrome del Diente Fisurado, fisura dentaria, fractura en tallo verde, fractura incompleta, hendidura. ABSTRACTIntroduction: since more than thirty years ago was discovered a condition characterized by the presence of a dental fissure or dental incomplete fracture; actually a remarkable incidence has carried out the existence of certain confusion among the clinics. This entity is known as syndrome of fissured teeth. Objective: to update about a group of aspects relating to thecracked tooth syndrome. Material and Methods: was carried out a bibliographical revision taking into account the scientific and classic literature from the last five years up to day, both Spanish and English language, using databases Ebesco, Scielo and Lis obtaining more than 140 articles from 22 countries, which were rejected 26because were not update and were not adjusted to real academicand practical approaches criterion of the Cuban Stomatology School. Development: the difficulty of the diagnostic of the Cracked tooth syndrome, the increasing incidence, the new knowledge regarding its etiology and the recent advances concerning to the diagnostic elements and treatment had made its maintenance as an important topic inside the contemporaneous specialized literature. In this work are exposed the diagnostic and therapeutic tendencies more actualized in the way that each clinician may have its own criteria. Conclusion: the cracked tooth syndrome is one of the more common causes of dental extraction due to the problems for its identification. It´s, maybe, the mouth problem worst diagnosed and for that the most confused with other pulped type entities, periodontal or Mouth-facial Paine. Keywords: Cracked Tooth Syndrome, dental fissure, green stem fracture, incomplete fracture, crevice.

Objetivo: actualizar acerca de un grupo de aspectos relacionados con el Síndrome del Diente Fisurado. Material y Métodos: le realizó una revisión bibliográfica teniendo en cuenta la literatura científica y clásica de los últimos 5 años a la fecha, en idi... see more

Fusion of two teeth is rare developmental disorder which is encountered by a clinician. It is commonly reported in deciduous dentition. The fused crown appears broader and usually an esthetic concern. This condition usually reveals a decreased teeth count... see more

The widely accepted method of determining ages of beluga is to count dentine growth layer groups (GLGs) in median, longitudinal sections of a tooth. It is essential to understand how these growth layers form and to consider developmental factors that can ... see more

Background: Carious lesions are formed by a complex process of chemical interaction between dental enamel and its environment. They can cause cavities and pain, and are expensive to fix. It is hard to characterize in vivo as a result of environment f... see more

OBJECTIVE: Supernumerary teeth (ST) are associated with many complications that include tooth impaction, ectopic eruption, and abnormal development of root. The usual treatment is the extraction, although repositioning in the dental arch may sometimes be ... see more

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