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1 of 181.200 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»
Transfer pricing is the price for the delivery of goods, services, or other intangible assets at related parties transact with each other based on the arm’s lenght principle. The purpose of this study to examine the influence factors of tax, intangible as... see more

This paper shows the results obtained in a research on sensory marketing and its influence on the shopping experience, which seeks to contribute knowledge to the sensory marketing field and its importance in making memorable experiences for the public. In... see more

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is being used for developing service oriented applications as a set of business specific web services and gives more flexibility for the software development industry. However, systematic reusability for developing appl... see more

Despite the great creators’ efforts of e-learning educational materials, it is not possible to define the content of these materials specifically for all students. Based on this, it is necessary to provide in e-learning education the possibility of a more... see more

Caracterización de las urgencias estomatológicas atendidas en dos policlínicos docentes del municipio Playa Caracterización de las urgencias estomatológicas atendidas en dos policlínicos docentes del municipio PlayaIntroducción: las causas más frecuentes de urgencias estomatológicas son los cuadros infecciosos consecutivos a caries dentales, enfermedades periodontales y sus complicaciones; así como traumatismos dentoalveolares. Conocer las características de la población consultante y el tipo de afectación que se presentan en los servicios, resulta necesario para planificar y organizar la atención de urgencias estomatológicas. Objetivo: caracterizar las urgencias estomatológicas atendidas en los policlínicos Isidro de Armas y Docente de Playa. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal de pacientes que acudieron por urgencia a los servicios estomatológicos de los Policlínicos "Isidro de Armas" y "Docente de Playa" entre enero y abril del 2010. La muestra fue de 456 pacientes. Se aplicó una encuesta, previo consentimiento informado. Se creó una base de datos automatizada con la hoja de cálculo electrónica  Excel. Se procesaron con SPSS versión 11.5. Las variables fueron edad, sexo, y enfermedad por la que acudieron. Resultados: las edades más afectadas fueron los grupos de 19 a 34 con 27.6% y mayores de 60 años con 26.6%, así como el sexo masculino con 62.5%. Las enfermedades pulpares y periapicales afectaron a 37.3% de los casos y dentro de estas las hiperemias con 48.8 %, más frecuentes en edades entre 15-18 años con 79.2 % y 19-34 años con 50.8 %. Conclusiones: las urgencias estomatológicas se caracterizaron por pertenecer al grupo de edades entre 19 a 34 y mayores de 60 años, así como el sexo masculino, predominando las enfermedades pulpares y periapicales y dentro de estas las hiperemias.Palabras clave: urgencias estomatológicas, atención de urgencia, enfermedades pulpares y periapicales.ABSTRACTIntroduction: the most frequent causes of stomatological urgencies are the repeated infectious episodes owing to dental cavity, periodontal illnesses and their complications; such as dent alveolar traumatisms. To know the consulting population's characteristics and the type of affectation presenting it is necessary to plan and to organize the attention of stomatological urgencies. Objective: to characterize the stomatological urgencies assisted in two teaching dental clinics: "Isidro de Armas" and "Docente Playa". Material and Methods:  a descriptive and cross-sectional study was done  to the patients that assisted to the stomatological urgencies services of Isidro de Armas and Docente de Playa  between January and April of the 2010. The sample was culled from 456 patients. A survey was done previous informed consent. A database using the Excel program was created. The statistical analysis was carried out with the software SPSS version 11.5. The studied variables were age, sex, and type of stomatological urgencies. Results: the affected ages were the groups from 19 to 34 with 27.6% and bigger than 60 years with 26.6%, the most affected sex was masculine sex with 62.5%. The pulp and periapical diseases affected to 37.3% of the cases, and into these diseases the hyperemia’s with 48.8%, were  more frequent at ages among 15-18 years with 79.2% and 19-34 years with 50.8%. Conclusions: the dental urgencies were characterized to belong to the groups of ages among 19 at 34 and bigger than 60 years, such as the masculine sex. The pulp and periapical diseases were predominant, and inside of these ones, the hyperemia.Key words: stomatological urgencies, urgency assistance, pulpar and periapical diseases.

Objetivo: caracterizar las urgencias estomatológicas atendidas en los policlínicos Isidro de Armas y Docente de Playa. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal de pacientes que acudieron por urgencia a los servicios estomatológicos de... see more

Technology moves with a rapid pace and it has touched every aspect of the hospitality industry. Nowadays, this huge industry is facing significant technological changes especially in the hotel sector. With the continuing growth of modern technologies in h... see more

The company still uses manual recording of reports, namely using paper media in production activities, so during this pandemic it is quite difficult for admins and superiors to check reports. In addition, because the reporting process is still manual, dat... see more

The purpose of the article is to identify the information services for creating mind maps in the process of linguistic training of future philologists at the seminars. A comparative analysis of the most used software products for creating mind maps was ca... see more

The IMS Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) standard has had a restricted take-up, in part due to the lack of tools. This paper describes the â??ASDELâ?? test delivery engine, focusing upon its architecture, its relation to item authoring and item ba... see more

1 of 181.200 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»