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Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2023

18 articles in this issue 

Fadil Danu Aristiyana,Feri Nugroho,Sinka Wilyanti,Ribut Nawang Sari,Indra Satriadi

With the Covid-19 virus pandemic that has plagued various countries, the need for a system to prevent transmission of the virus is very important. By utilizing IoT technology to be applied to light control systems, it can reduce the spread of the Covid-19... see more

Pags. 1 - 6  

Mochammad Bagoes Satria Junianto,Hendri Ardiansyah,Derita Qurbani

Sejak tahun 2017 Universitas Pamulang mulai menerima mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas, khususnya tunanetra. Sampai saat ini mahasiswa berkebutuhan khusus yang ada di Universitas Pamulang sebagian besar mahasiswa kategori tunanetra, baik yang dalam keadaan... see more

Pags. 114 - 120  

Ojak Abdul Rozak,Juhana Juhana,Heri Kusnadi,Bobik Setiawan

Sterilization is a process of eradicating microorganisms both viruses and bacteria. This Arduino-based mask sterilization machine aims to sterilize used masks so they can be reused, reduce the impact of used mask waste and save on the cost of buying new m... see more

Pags. 13 - 19  

Ojak Abdul Rozak,Anto Carmanto,Awaluddin Saputra,Taufik Prasetio

The quality of products resulting from the production process as well as materials for production processes on a large scale can be determined by testing techniques. In the testing process, room temperature is a parameter that needs attention. Many factor... see more

Pags. 20 - 31  

Dahlia Widhyaestoeti,Ricki Hardiyanto,Safarudin Hidayat Al Ikhsan,Jejen Zaenudin

The canteen of SD Negeri Gunungpuyuh Cipta Bina serves students and teachers using a cash payment system. This cash payment creates problems for canteen managers, namely having to be ready with change and payment queues. During the Covid-19 pandemic, cant... see more

Pags. 32 - 40  

Dewi Soyusiawaty,Almira Haswinitha

The service center in a company or agency is a place to serve various kinds of questions and customer complaints served by a customer service. However, it is undeniable that the role of customer service has many shortcomings, such as having to answer repe... see more

Pags. 41 - 50  

Andhik Ampuh Yunanto,Irwan Sumarsono,Sylvi Indryana Safira

In today's technological developments, there are many applications and systems that have been used by the community, both children and adults. This impact causes the technological era to continue to develop rapidly so that the existence of applications ha... see more

Pags. 51 - 61  

Budi Arif Dermawan,Adhi Rizal,Anis Fitri Nur Masruriyah

Cheerax quadricarinatus (Redclaw) becomes a fishery commodity that has high selling value with various advantages in terms of cultivation. In the Redclaw cultivation process, water quality is one of the indicators that require attention. Flawed water qual... see more

Pags. 62 - 68  

Eryc Eryc

To increase sales, e-vendors are interested in integrating social commerce features into the traditional e-commerce sites that consumers are increasingly using to make their purchasing decisions. Although the value of trust has been widely recognized in t... see more

Pags. 69 - 76  

Rama Dian Syah,Ahmad Hidayat

Product Recommendations for e-commerce activities in online market are important in product promotion to buyers. The Recommendation System in e-commerce can take advantage of growing data to inform the best product recommendations for buyers. Recommendati... see more

Pags. 7 - 12  

Atang Susila,Dede Sahrul Bahri

The development of the use of the internet is currently very rapid and has resulted in many changes in the order of people's lives, including educational institutions that use the internet by building websites for their business process needs. The Informa... see more

Pags. 77 - 83  

Fadillah Fahruddin,Aries Saifudin

Pengumpulan dana secara online saat ini bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai cara salah satunya melalui website. Penggalangan dana melalui website Semangat Bantu yang dimulai dari tahun 2020 berjalan dengan baik dari data yang tercata sampai saat ini 97,5% peng... see more

Pags. 84 - 91  

Yulianti Yulianti,Jayz Rahman Elfaiz,Luthfia Zahra,Muhammad Anshor Jihadi,Siti Jenabun,Irpan Kusyadi

Di era sekarang ini, jasa pengiriman jasa merupakan salah satu jenis usaha yang sangat dibutuhkan. Hal ini didukung dengan semakin banyaknya permintaan pelanggan untuk melakukan pengiriman barang. PT Lynatra Logistik Lestari merupakan salah satu dari seki... see more

Pags. 92 - 96  

Munawaroh Munawaroh,Ayu Eka Hapsari Q.,Hernanda Anggara Putra,Siti Marifah,Yoga Fahreza,Endar Nirmala

Pengujian dengan metode White Box ini dilakukan untuk pengujian perangkat lunak terhadap aplikasi toko Cat CataPro72 dengan tujuan untuk menemukan adanya eror atau adanya masalah yang tidak terdeteksi. Software testing seringkali diartikan sebagai penguji... see more

Pags. 97 - 101