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Actuality to study psychological characteristics and determinants of professional self-fulfilment of a higher school lecturer as a representative of socionomy professions is determined primarily by the fact that a lecturer is one of the key figures in pro... see more

International mobility of the highly skilled has become one of the cornerstones of development in the current knowledge society. Correspondingly, highly skilled personnel are impelled to move abroad in order to improve their competences and build influent... see more

The article presents the analysis of purposes statement in higher education management. Currently, the ideas, about the economic education content, having received which, the person is able to continue to plan the career, are changing. The increasing reco... see more

Los indicadores para la solución de problemas, desde los niveles de comprensión de los contenidos matemáticos / The indicators for the solution of problems, from the levels of comprehension of the mathematical contents Los indicadores para la solución de problemas, desde los niveles de comprensión de los contenidos matemáticos / The indicators for the solution of problems, from the levels of comprehension of the mathematical contentsObjetivo: caracterizar los indicadores para la resolución de problemas a partir de los niveles de comprensión de los contenidos matemáticos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, el análisis documental que incluyó artículos científicos relacionados con la resolución de problemas, la bibliografía del proyecto de investigación del departamento, que permitió vincular los niveles asumidos para la comprensión de los contenidos matemáticos con los indicadores para la resolución de problemas y caracterizarlos, teniendo en cuenta los objetivos de la asignatura general y por temas. Se emplearon los métodos histórico lógico y análisis sínte-sis para sistematizar diferentes metodologías para la resolución de problemas.Resultados: se definieron los indicadores para la resolución de los problemas desde los cuatro niveles de comprensión del contenido matemático para la asignatura y se estableció como estrategia para el trabajo en la resolución de problemas tener en cuenta el tratamiento de las acciones de la habilidad resolver problemas y los indicadores para la comprensión de estos. Conclusiones: los indicadores para la comprensión de los problemas matemáticos asociados a los cuatro  niveles de la  comprensión de los contenidos matemáticos en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la Matemática en el curso preparatorio, se caracterizan por el trabajo con la comprensión lectora y las acciones de la habilidad resolver problemas, que favorecen la elaboración de tareas docentes dirigidas a contribuir al desarrollo del pensamiento lógico y las competencias comunicativa de los estudiantes en idioma español, que posibilitó el perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la Matemática. Palabras clave: comprensión; niveles de la comprensión; resolución de problemas.ABSTRACT Objective: to characterize the indicators for the resolution of problems from the levels of understanding of the mathematical contents.Methods: a descriptive crosssectional study was carried out, the documentary analysis that included scientific articles related to the problem solving, the bibliography of the research project of the department, which allowed to link the levels assumed for the understanding of the contents. mathematicians with the indicators to solve problems and characterize them, taking into account the objectives of the general subject and by subject. The logical historical methods, synthesissis analysis were used to systematize different methodologies for the resolution of problems.Results: the indicators for the resolution of problems were defined from the four levels of understanding of the mathematical content for the subject and it was es-tablished as a strategy for the work in the resolution of problems taking into account the treatment of the actions of the skill to solve problems and indicators for understanding problems.Conclusions: the indicators for understanding the mathematical problems associated with the four levels of understanding mathematical contents in the teaching-learning process of Mathematics in the preparatory course, are characterized by work with reading comprehension and the actions of the ability to solve problems, which favor the development of teaching tasks aimed at contributing to the development of logical thinking and communication skills of students in Spanish, which en-abled the improvement of the teachinglearning process in Mathematics.Keywords: comprehension; levels of understanding; problem solving.

ABSTRACT Objective: to characterize the indicators for the resolution of problems from the levels of understanding of the mathematical contents.Methods: a descriptive crosssectional study was carried out, the documentary analysis that included scientific ... see more

Context. In the process of functioning of various organizational expert systems – economic, social, militarized – the task of detecting,localizing and measuring the level of corruption in the system arises. These tasks are solved on the basis of various d... see more

En el presente artículo se esbozan reflexiones necesarias sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, este es un proceso complejo, multifactorial, en el que se dan múltiples interacciones y donde las condiciones en que este se desarrolla son definitivament... see more

The present paper examines the use of Google Translate as a supplementary tool for helping international students at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to learn and develop their knowledge and skills in learning Bahasa Malaysia (Malay Language). The particip... see more

The peculiarities of the territorial community as a subject of the local democracy culture- a specific sphere (part) of local political culture, system of knowledge, skills, values, the convictions of the members of the territorial community regarding the... see more

Context. Formation of information-methodical, algorithmic and software sustainable development evaluation of ecological-socio-economic different complexity systems requires the formation of an integrated system approach to solving scientific problems.Obje... see more

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