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Modificación de conocimientos sobre fiebre tifoidea en jóvenes en la comuna Morón, Haití / Changes in knowledge of typhoid fever in young people: Commune of Moron, HaitiModificación de conocimientos sobre fiebre tifoidea en jóvenes en la comuna Morón, Haití / Changes in knowledge of typhoid fever in young people: Commune of Moron, HaitiLa fiebre tifoidea es una enfermedad de alta incidencia en Haití. Se realizó un estudio del tipo de intervención educativa en la Comuna de Morón, Departamento de la Grand´Anse, República de Haití durante el período de enero a noviembre del 2006, con el objetivo de modificar y ampliar los conocimientos que poseen las personas de esta comunidad en relación con la fiebre tifoidea. De un universo de 523 jóvenes entre 15 y 35 años de edad se utilizó una muestra de 50 jóvenes mediante muestreo simple aleatorio, lo que representó el 9.56 por ciento del total. Para la obtención del dato primario, se aplicó un cuestionario antes y después del programa educativo, en el que se recogieron aspectos referentes al conocimiento teórico. El procesamiento estadístico utilizó el análisis de variables cualitativas, utilizando como medida de resumen la frecuencia relativa porcentual. Predominó el grupo de 20-25 años, así como el nivel secundario de escolaridad. Al finalizar el estudio la totalidad de los jóvenes reconoció la importancia de la asistencia al área de salud ante la presencia de síntomas de la enfermedad y demostraron conocimientos generales satisfactorios con respecto al tema. Se demuestra la eficacia de la intervención educativa. Palabras clave: Fiebre tifoidea, Haití. ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is a high-incidence disease in Haiti. An educative intervention study was conducted in the Commune of Moron, de la Grand´Anse Department, Haiti Republic during January to November 2006 with the purpose of modifying and extending the knowledge of Typhoid Fever people of this community possessed. The universe included 523 young people (15-35 years old); 50 young people were taken as a simple random sample; which represented the 9, 56% of the total. To record the primary data, a questionnaire was applied before and after the educative program, where aspects of the theoretical knowledge were collected. The statistical process was carried out analyzing qualitative variables, using as a measure of summary the percentage relative frequency. The age brackets 20-25 prevailed and secondary level of education. At the end of the study the total of the young recognized the importance to attend to the health area in the presence of symptoms and showed general satisfactory knowledge on the topic, demonstrating the effectiveness of the educative intervention. Key words: Typhoid fever, Haiti.

ABSTRACT Typhoid fever is a high-incidence disease in Haiti. An educative intervention study was conducted in the Commune of Moron, de la Grand´Anse Department, Haiti Republic during January to November 2006 with the purpose of modifying and extending... see more

The people in the southern part of Morotai Island speak a similar isolect with Galela language, and the others in the northern part of the island speak Tobelo language. in addition, the people of Pilowo and Waringin Village speak Gorap language, while the... see more

Since the mid-1970s, the Western Saharan conflict has defied both resolution and understanding, as an entire people, split between refugee camps in the Algerian desert and the Moroccan occupied territory, has been waiting for the international community t... see more

In the article “Dans la peau d’un noir au Maroc” (SlateAfrique 2012), the Senegalese journalist Bassirou Ba describes the prejudice he has encountered as a black-skinned person in Morocco. Ba’s testimony is part of an ongoing debate, both in Morocco and i... see more

The aim of this paper is to present the geomorphological hazards affecting the city of Tétouan, Morocco. The city is one of the most important urban centres in northern Morocco. Its geographical situation is strongly determined by the fact that in the las... see more

Over the past decade a significant philosophical shift has taken place in the development world, emphasizing privatization, market participation, microfinance, and other approaches to poverty alleviation over top-down, statist interventions. At the same t... see more

The aim of this paper is to present the geomorphological hazards affecting the city of Tétouan, Morocco. The city is one of the most important urban centres in northern Morocco. Its geographical situation is strongly determined by the fact that in the las... see more

This paper probes into demystifying how French colonialism of Morocco is endorsed in Edith Wharton’ travelogue, “In Morocco”. This travelogue is one of the most important works by Wharton as it depicts Morocco’s major cities along with their people, histo... see more

The purpose of this study was to determine the socio-economic impacts caused by the construction of smelters on farmers. This research was conducted in January 2018 with a total sample of 34 people determined by simple random sampling. Analysis of the dat... see more

1 of 6.532 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»