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ISSN: 2281-4043    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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Volume 7 Number Vol 7, N° 2 N.S

11 articles in this issue 


Il 17 aprile 2020 si spegneva Enrico Comba, vittima del Covid-19. L’impossibilità di esprimergli la vicinanza durante la malattia e di celebrare un rito funebre ha spinto diversi colleghi a riunirsi in queste pagine.

Pags. 7 - 24  

Ivan Bargna,Giovanna Santanera

Nowadays, cultural anthropologists and designers are more connected than ever. It is not unusual to find them working side by side on the same team, together with engineers, marketers and other business operators. How did we get to this point? What are th... see more

Pags. 25 - 44  

Isabel Farina

The aim of this article is to explore the role that anthropology can play in designing participatory workshops, as a space to imagine possible futures. The article would like to shift the focus from the idea of a past oriented anthropology grounded on eth... see more

Pags. 45 - 62  

Valentina Porcellana,Cristian Campagnaro,Nicolò Di Prima

Starting from our long experience in a participatory laboratory conducted by means of design and anthropology, we reflect on the contribution of creative and practical activities to the creation of collaborative communities of practice. The lab involves h... see more

Pags. 63 - 82  

Roberta Raffaetà

This article discusses the Author’s experience of teaching anthropology to and with designers at a Design faculty. Through the illustration of mutual false expectations and productive frictions, the article illustrates the progressive development of a met... see more

Pags. 83 - 104  

Alvise Mattozzi

By unfolding the tension between “artifacts” and “description” within the field of design and within the field of anthropology, the present article questions Design Anthropology (DA) on two grounds. On the one hand, DA’s ability to take into account and a... see more

Pags. 105 - 128  

Matteo Canevari

Lo scritto che propongo prende le mosse dalla ricerca sul campo condotta su una chiesa pentecostale italiana di Pavia e si concentra sull’analisi del rapporto che lo schema tripartito dell’uomo (corpo-anima-spirito) ha con la concezione della rinascita co... see more

Pags. 129 - 154  

Antonio Maria Pusceddu

Questo articolo esamina la tensione tra una concezione ideale dello stato come garante del benessere sociale e la sua problematica, incompiuta e parziale realizzazione, così come si manifesta tra i volontari Caritas in una città del Mezzogiorno. Le politi... see more

Pags. 155 - 174  

Silvia Vignato

This article analyses the practical and theoretical process of structuring research fieldwork in a prison, and the specific research topics that it has led to shape. In 2011, my former research-assistant in Aceh, Indonesia, was sentenced to 20 years impri... see more

Pags. 175 - 200  

Note Sugli autori

Note sugli autori

Pags. 213 - 219