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ISSN: 2530-4275    frecuency : 4   format : Electrónica


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4 articles in this issue 

María Cama, María Rubio Gómez, Francisco Javier García Castaño

The article presents the case of Philippine migration to Italy, with particular emphasis on the host country’s use of certain teaching-learning processes of its own language as guarantors of the socio-labour integration of migrants from the South-Asian co... see more


Libia Arenal Lora

Can transnational corporations commit crimes against humanity and be investigated and prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC)? This article intends to provide an answer to this question by analyzing the legal possibilities and obstacles that ... see more


Silvia Avellaneda San Antonio

This paper analyses the conclusions and recommendations offered by bodies of the United Nations and the Council of Europe, derived from Spain's latest periodic reports, on the situation of rights directly connected to poverty, such as the right to an adeq... see more


Demetrio Velasco

Human rights have been, because of their intrinsic historicity, radically problematic. Since their creation, they have been the expression of a new social imaginary of a revolutionary nature that broke with the worldview of pre-modern society. But history... see more