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Couples of Childbearing Age (CCA) in the Madiun Regency have increased in the last three years. It caused the population in Madiun to overgrow with the newborn, which implies the economic, social, and environmental aspects. This study aims to cluster vill... see more

Background: Problems that affect the attitude of spouses of fertile age (EFA) program in Family Planning (KB) including the lack of a role for health promotion and support of her husband so that the EFA has not been able to regulate the number and spacing... see more

Fertile age couples are very easy to get offspring and therefore need to regulate fertility by having good knowledge in choosing contraception. The purpose of this study was to determine the study of the level of knowledge of fertile age couples about the... see more

The Family Planning Program is a program designed by the government in order to control the rate of population and birth rates, it aims to prosper the family and improve the quality of Indonesian generations in the future. The existence of Field Officers ... see more

Background: The use of contraception is one of the benchmarks for the success of family planning programs. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on people to limit activities outside the home. The appeal from the government also has an impact on the pos... see more

Latar belakang: Indikator untuk penilaian status gizi pada wanita usia subur (WUS) khususnya untuk mendeteksi risiko Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) masih terbatas. Saat ini digunakan lingkar lengan atas (LiLA) sebagai alat skrining KEK dan Indeks Massa Tubuh ... see more

Background: Early-age marriage is still common in Indonesia, especially in the rural areas. There are many negative effects of the marriage; the young brides may get lower education, lower social status, minimum reproduction control, higher mate... see more

Factores de riesgo de hipertensión en el embarazo en mujeres en edad fértil, que desean tener hijos, policlínico “José Jacinto Milanés”. 2014-2015 / Risk factors of hypertension in pregnancy in women of childbearing age, who wish to have children, “José J Factores de riesgo de hipertensión en el embarazo en mujeres en edad fértil, que desean tener hijos, policlínico “José Jacinto Milanés”. 2014-2015 / Risk factors of hypertension in pregnancy in women of childbearing age, who wish to have children, “José JObjetivo: describir los factores de riesgo de hipertensión en el embarazo en mujeres en edad fértil, que desean tener hijos, del consultorio 60 del policlínico “José Jacinto Milanés” de la provincia Matanzas.Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el policlínico “José Jacinto Milanés” de la provincia Matanzas, durante el periodo comprendido desde enero de 2014 a enero de 2015. El universo estuvo constituido por 180 mujeres en edad fértil, que desean tener hijos, a las cuales se les aplicó la encuesta Prevalencia de los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo y factores de riesgo asociados.Resultados: se observó un predominio de las mujeres en las edades extremas, sobre todo entre 36 y 49 años, además predominaron las mujeres con sobrepeso, tabaquismo, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial crónica y nulíparas.Conclusiones: se observó la presencia de factores de riesgo de hipertensión en el embarazo, en mujeres en edad fértil que desean tener hijos.ABSTRACTObjective: to describe the risk factors of hypertension in pregnancy in women of childbearing age, who wish to have children, from the 60th clinic of the “José Jacinto Milanés” polyclinic in Matanzas province.Material and methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the “JoséJacinto Milanés” polyclinic of Matanzas province, during the period from January 2014 to January 2015. Theuniverse consisted of 180 women of childbearing age, who wish to have children, to whom the Prevalence ofhypertensive disorders of pregnancy and associated risk factors survey was applied.Results: a predominance of women was observed in extreme ages, especially between 36 and 49 years, inaddition, women with overweight, smoking, with a history of chronic arterial hypertension and nulliparouswomen predominated.Conclusions: the presence of risk factors of hypertension in pregnancy was observed in women of childbearing age who wish to have children.Keywords: hypertension in pregnancy; risk factors.

Resultados: se observó un predominio de las mujeres en las edades extremas, sobre todo entre 36 y 49 años, además predominaron las mujeres con sobrepeso, tabaquismo, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial crónica y nulíparas.Conclusiones: se observó la... see more

The "KelPUS-GENDANG BELEQ" model design is an intervention given to couples of childbearing age, by making a model of the couples of child-bearing age combined with traditional "Gendang Beleq" art, as a media for counseling and a strategy for improving kn... see more

1 of 24.182 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»