27 articles in this issue
Friska Junita, Puri Kresna Wati, Rona Ulfah
Female students who are classified as teenagers have a high risk of anaemia, especially iron nutritional anaemia. College students generally have unhealthy eating habits. Based on Riskesdas data, the proportion of anaemia in women (27.2%) is higher than i... see more
Lilis Candra Yanti
Early rupture of membranes is one of the complicators in pregnancy and childbirth that plays a role in increasing perinatal maternal pain and death that can be caused by infection, where the amniotic membrane that is a barrier to the entry of infection-ca... see more
Harisah Harisah
Increased awareness of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for fishermen in Mate'ne, Tanete Rilau Village, Barru Regency, to reduce the risk of work accidents that often occur. This report discusses the factors affecting using Personal Protective Eq... see more
Luther Loginsi, Andi Yusuf, Rahmawati Azis, Taufiq Dalming
The role of the Kodam XIV / Hasanuddin and TNI health teams in natural disaster management is essential to provide health services and prevent more casualties. However, a deeper understanding of the effectiveness and challenges faced is needed. This study... see more
Sadariah Sadariah, Muhammad Rifai, Muh Ilyas Nur, Musfirah Musfirah
Stunting is a serious public health problem, especially in children under five. The causes of stunting are complex and involve a variety of factors. However, parenting that does not pay attention to nutrition, health education, feeding practices, attentio... see more
Nadia Nadia, Nasruddin Syam, Rahman Rahman
Heat strain is the body's physiological response to heat stress received by a person. This research is a type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional study approach. The sampling technique in this study was random sampling with a total sample of 8... see more
Nurwahyuni Nurwahyuni, Andi Nurlinda, Andi Asrina, Yusriani Yusriani
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem due to lack of nutritional intake in the long term, resulting in impaired growth in children. Stunting is also one of the causes of stunted children's height, so it is lower than children their age. This study aim... see more
Farjiyanty Latif, Taswin Taswin, Fitriani Fitriani, La Ode Muh.Taufiq
Introduction : According to the International Labor Organization, almost every year there are 1000 times the number of non-fatal work accidents when compared with fatal work accidents. to the income generated by workers. Purpose: This study was to determi... see more
Darmi Arda, Suprapto Suprapto
Communication in nursing is called therapeutic communication which is a way of fostering a therapeutic relationship between nurses and patients that has the aim of helping in the patient's healing process. This study aims to determine therapeutic communic... see more
Maria Kurni Menga, Hartaty Hartaty
Nosocomial infections significantly affect the patient's health and can increase morbidity and mortality. The incidence of nosocomial diseases is still widely found, and nurse compliance in preventing and controlling infections is a significant factor in ... see more
Arita Murwani, Nur Alfiyanti, Ana Nur Hikmawati, Ani Mashunatul
Health problems can arise at a stage according to family development, one of which is the development of elderly families. A problem that often arises in the elderly is Hypertension. Medical management of hypertension, one of which is medicinal and non-me... see more
Yusnaini Siagian, Linda Widiastuti, Soni Hendra Sitindaon, Utari Yunie Atrie, Liza Wati
Decompression can occur due to decreased pressure when the diver rises to the surface, releasing gases from solutions, especially nitrogen, in the tissues and blood, forming bubbles in the blood. The formation of air bubbles can block blood flow and nerve... see more
Asnita Asnita, Wasis Pujiati, Komala Sari, Meily Nirnasari
Management of anxiety can be done pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically, non-pharmacologically, one of which is aromatherapy. This study aims to determine the Comparison of Lavender and Lemon Aromatherapy to the Anxiety of Trimester Pregnant Women F... see more
Sri Muliani Ayii, Muh Multazam, Nasruddin Syam
JSA is a comprehensive approach to identifying, analyzing, and formulating corrective measures to reduce dangerous risks while working. This study aims to determine the application of job safety analysis to work accidents in the refinery section of Pt. An... see more
Rahmah Yuliana, Haerati Haerati, Andi suswani Makmur
Nonadherence to taking medication in older people with hypertension is a serious problem in the management of this health condition. This study aims to identify factors associated with nonadherence to taking medication in older people with hypertension. T... see more
Flaviani Angela Nita, Evy Ernawati, Fatimah Sari, Juda Julia Kristiarini, Indah Purnamasari
Parenting is a method used to help children grow and develop by caring for, educating, and guiding them so that children achieve their independence. Stunting is a chronic malnutrition problem caused by insufficient nutritional intake for a long time due t... see more
Rasi Rahagia, Glendy Ariando, Zusana A.Sasarari, Ari Setiawati, Indrawati Aris Tyarini
Acute Respiratory Infections are a major health problem in children under five worldwide and the incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections in children under five can cause significant morbidity and mortality, especially in countries with limited health re... see more
Siti Nurhalizah, Nasruddin Syam, Ulfa Sulaeman
Industrial welding is a workplace with a high risk of causing health problems and work fatigue. Welding smoke contains dust and gas; this content can later cause several disorders, such as conjunctivitis. This study aims to determine the factors associate... see more
Maria Oktaviana Mamoh, Gunarmi Gunarmi, Juda Julia Kristiarini
The main problem of low exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia is the influence of socio-cultural factors and lack of knowledge of pregnant women, families, and communities. This study aims to determine the effect of husband support and economic status leve... see more
Gustini Gustini, Isymiarni Syarif, Zusana A Sasarari, Ummul Khair, Anggeraeni Anggeraeni
Therapeutic communication towards decreasing anxiety levels in preoperative patients. Through a deeper understanding of the role of therapeutic communication in caring for preoperative patients, we can improve the quality of health care and patient well-b... see more
Marlin Brigita, Hijrawati Hijrawati, Syaputra Artama
Hypertension is the main causative factor of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the world. Low adherence to treatment from people with hypertension is a concern at this time, especially in the elderly group. Non-compliance of patients i... see more
Risna Ayu Rahmadani, Ria Wahyuni, Darmi Arda, A. Suyatni Musrah, Riska Sabriana
The nutritional status of toddlers is an important indicator of children's health and well-being. Good nutrition at an early age has a long-lasting impact on physical growth, cognitive development, and health throughout life. The nutritional status of tod... see more
Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Tri Damayanti Samsul, Firmansyah Firmansyah
Elderly is a natural process that all people who are blessed with a long life will definitely go through. Someone is said to be elderly if they are more than 60 years old and begin after retirement because their age experiences biological, physical, psych... see more
Andi Suriani, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Tri Damayanty Samsul, Fardi Fardi
Diabetic ulcers are defined as erosion of the skin that extends from the dermis layer to deeper tissue, resulting from various factors, namely neuropathy, ischemia and infection, resulting in damage to the patient's skin integrity. Bhayangkara Hospital Ma... see more
Zakiyah Zakiyah, Yolanda Anastasia Sihombing, Muh Ihsan Kamaruddin, Glendy Ariando Salomon, Muhammad Anshari
Stress is one of the common mental health problems in today's society. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between stress levels and smoking behavior. Smoking is a habit that is detrimental to health and can be a risk factor for a variety of ... see more
Dewi Nurhanifah, Zusana A Sasarari, Awatiful Azza, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin, Muh Yunus
Diabetes mellitus patients' blood glucose levels have a significant influence on their sleep quality. When blood glucose levels increase or decrease suddenly, people with diabetes may feel uncomfortable and experience sleep disturbances. This study aims t... see more
Nabilla Suratman, Liasari Armijn, Amran Nur
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease in the form of a metabolic disorder characterised by increased blood sugar levels that exceed normal limits. The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics of type DM patients based on their level of a... see more