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Perkembangan jumlah transportasi kian hari kian meningkat. Mulai dari kendaraan pribadi hingga kendaraan umum. Hal ini dikarenakan populasi yang terus bertambah dan juga ekonomi yang meningkat. Hal ini berdampak pada populasi kendaraan dijalanan yang meni... see more

AbstractIn the study of prismatic bars subjected to bending forces, the authors of Strength of Materials generally assume the Navier-Bernoulli simplifying hypothesis which states that flat cross sections (CS) normal to their axes before deformation remain... see more

On Saparua Island in the Moluccas, Indonesia, local tradition guides the interreligious community of Muslims and Christians. Issues relating to people's races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds frequently spark conflict in the community. At the moment, it... see more

An evangelistic mission can be successful if it is carried out contextually. One of the mission agencies that has successfully carried out contextual evangelism is the Crossline Family, which carries out a mission to punk children. This study aims to expl... see more

Identificación de factores de riesgo de en un área de salud del municipio Cerro, La Habana / Identification of risk factors in a health area of Cerro municipality, Havana Identificación de factores de riesgo de en un área de salud del municipio Cerro, La Habana / Identification of risk factors in a health area of Cerro municipality, HavanaObjetivo: identificar los principales factores de riesgos y daños a la salud de un área de salud del mu-nicipio Cerro, La Habana.Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, en un consultorio del Policlínico Docente “Antonio Maceo”, del municipio Cerro, de septiembre a diciembre del 2017, a una población de 101 individuos agrupados en treinta familias, con el objetivo de identificar los principales factores de riesgos y daños a la salud delos miembros de las familias en estudio.Resultados: se observó que la mayoría de las familias son pequeñas y nucleares, en etapas de formación yextensión. La población es relativamente joven, con un nivel de vida aparentemente adecuado, aunque existe unnúmero importante de personas consumidores de alcohol y tabaco. Por otra parte, se identificaron la contaminación del aire y la presencia de insectos como factores ambientales a tener en cuenta en los análisis de salud de la población en estudio.Conclusiones: los principales factores de riesgo identificados en la comunidad estudiada fueron los relacionadoscon los estilos de vida, socioeconómicos y ambientales, representados por el consumo de tabaco y alcohol, nivel socioeconómico Regular, contaminación del aire y presencia de mosquitos. La mayoría de los individuos se ubican en el grupo dispensarial II, dada la presencia de al menos un factor de riesgo en casi la totalidad de los individuos.ABSTRACTObjective: to identify the main factors of risks and damages to the health of a health area of Cerro municipality, Havana.Methods: a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in a clinic of the Teaching Polyclinic “Antonio Maceo”, in the Cerro municipality, from September to December 2017, to a population of 101 individuals grouped into thirty families, with the aim of identifying the main risk factors and damage to the health of the members of the families under study.Results: it was observed that most of the families are small and nuclear, in stages of formation and extension. The population is relatively young, with an apparently adequate standard of living, although there is a significant number of people who consume alcohol and tobacco. On the other hand, air pollution and the presence of insects were identified as environmental factors to be taken into account in the health analyzes of the population under study.Conclusions: the main risk factors identified in the community studied were those related to lifestyles, socioeconomic and environmental, represented by the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, regular socioeconomic level, air pollution and the presence of mosquitoes. Most individuals are located in the dispensary group II, given the presence of at least one risk factor in almost all individuals.Keywords: risk factors; family, health prevention; health promotion

Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, en un consultorio del Policlínico Docente “Antonio Maceo”, del municipio Cerro, de septiembre a diciembre del 2017, a una población de 101 individuos agrupados en treinta familias, co... see more

Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Israel are areas that never subside from conflict. One of Indonesia's foreign policy policies is free and active politics and Indonesia's role in the international arena as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitut... see more

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of procedural justice and leader-member exchange on job satisfaction. This is a cross-sectional research with data collected from 100 employees of private sector services using a questionnaire and an... see more

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran scramble dengan media crossword puzzle terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar kognitif biologi siswa. Motivasi belajar merupakan proses yang memberi semangat belajar, dorongan, dan perubah... see more

1 of 8.037 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»