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Un acercamiento a la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa cubana pedagógica / An approach to the Theory of Advanced Education as a pedagogical Cuban educational alternative Un acercamiento a la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa cubana pedagógica / An approach to the Theory of Advanced Education as a pedagogical Cuban educational alternativeObjetivo: argumentar la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa cubana pedagógica.Métodos: se aplicaron métodos teóricos como la sistematización, histórico-lógico y análisis de documentos para fundamentar a la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa desarrollada en Cuba, y cuyo proceso de desarrollo contribuyó al enriquecimiento de la Pedagogía como ciencia.Resultados: las fuentes bibliográficas consultadas permitieron fundamentar a la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa cubana y rama de la Pedagogía. Ella se encuentra en franco desarrollo y cumple con los requerimientos para constituirse en una teoría. Sus fundamentos son resultados investigativos demostrados por sus investigadores.Conclusiones. la Educación Avanzada desarrollada en Cuba cumple con los requerimientos para ser una teoría. Los postulados de la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como alternativa educativa cubana expresan un entramado teórico que posibilitan fundamentar desde la Pedagogía el proceso de educación de los hombres y contribuir al mejoramiento de su desempeño profesional pedagógico como categoría de su objeto de estudio.ABSTRACTObjective: to argue the Theory of Advanced Education as a pedagogical Cuban educational alternative.Methods: theoretical methods such as systematization, historical-logical and document analysis were applied to support the Theory of Advanced Education as an educational alternative developed in Cuba, and whose development process contributed to the enrichment of Pedagogy as a science.Results: the consulted bibliographical sources allowed to base to the Theory of the Advanced Education like aCuban educational alternative and branch of the Pedagogy. She is in clear development and meets the requirements to become a theory. Its foundations are research results demonstrated by its researchers.Conclusions Advanced Education developed in Cuba meets the requirements to be a theory. The postulates of the Theory of Advanced Education as a Cuban educational alternative express a theoretical framework that makes it possible to base the education process of men from Pedagogy and contribute to the improvement of their pedagogical professional performance as a category of their object of study.Keywords: Theory of Advanced Education; parameterization; human behavior; alternatives.

Métodos: se aplicaron métodos teóricos como la sistematización, histórico-lógico y análisis de documentos para fundamentar a la Teoría de la Educación Avanzada como una alternativa educativa desarrollada en Cuba, y cuyo proceso de desarrollo contribuyó al... see more

Open pedagogy has been touted by advocates as a promising expansion of open educational resources because it involves shifting from making resources accessible to impacting the practice of teaching. The allure of the term coupled with its promise to bring... see more

Clinical legal education (CLE) forms part of the LLB curriculum at most South African Universities. There are many similarities in the approach to CLE, but often also many differences. The clinical models of four South African university law clinics are r... see more

Abstract Advocacy for the infusion of Islamic resources into the education system permeates extant literature on Islamization of Knowledge. However, clear-cut strategies for redesigning teacher education curricula, at the systemic level, are yet to be evo... see more

This study follows the previous study entitle Problem-based Learning (PBL) in reflective pedagogy paradigm (RPP): Innovative learning in pharmaceutical care, which identified the learning material as complicated. This study aimed to provide an appropriate... see more

Abstract:  This article discusses the pedagogical role of translation and its relationship with methods of teaching foreign languages. Translation in education has a long history in foreign language pedagogy. Translation was the only method -along wi... see more

As Covid 19 pandemic hits Indonesia, teaching-learning activities change dramatically. Learning from home becomes the only alternative in conducting distance education. From the earlier, this cyber pedagogy is assumed as an emergency step taken by the gov... see more

In a multilingual classroom, students come from various cultural, linguistic, and racial backgrounds. They have different ideologies, opinions, and needs. In this regard, ‘one size fits all’ pedagogy is not only irrelevant but also absurd because the inst... see more

Clinical legal education (CLE) forms part of the LLB curriculum at most South African Universities. There are many similarities in the approach to CLE, but often also many differences. The clinical models of four South African university law clinics are r... see more

1 of 4.021 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»