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Long term evolution (LTE) is the fastest-deployed mobile broadband technology driven by demand for improved user experience. It has distinguished itself compared to other mobile broadband technologies in its ability to handle the growth of video traffic t... see more

El español en la cooperación y colaboración médica internacional para el desarrollo / Spanish in international medical cooperation and collaboration for development El español en la cooperación y colaboración médica internacional para el desarrollo / Spanish in international medical cooperation and collaboration for developmentObjetivo: identificar el comportamiento del aprendizaje del idioma español en los estudiantes no hispanohablantes de la ELAM para el desarrollo de la cooperación y colaboración médica internacional.Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a estudiantes y egresados no hispano hablantes de la ELAM, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. Se tomó como criterio de inclusión a los estudiantes no hispanohablantes. Todos los encuestados completaron las encuestas y fueron conciliadas yprocesadas. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, se encuestó a 100 estudiantes no hispanohablantes y a 15 egresados quienes emitieron su nivel de satisfacción relacionado con el aprendizaje del idioma español recibido durante el curso Premédico mediante la aplicación de una encuesta de 8 ítems.Resultados: se constató que el 84% de los encuestados no tenían conocimiento del idioma Español antes de llegar a Cuba;el curso de Español satisfizo el desarrollo personal del 65,6%, el 31% se expresó de manera negativa y el 4% no respondió ese ítem.Conclusiones: predominó el criterio de satisfacción acerca del aprendizaje del idioma Español, se constata que una pequeña parte de ellos no alcanza el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas plenamente; todos valoran la necesidad del curso.ABSTRACTObjective: to identify the behavior of Spanish language learning in non-Spanish-speaking ELAM students for the development of international medical cooperation and collaboration.Materials: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on non-Spanish-speaking students and graduates of ELAM, selected by means of an intentional non-probabilistic sampling. Non-Spanish-speaking students were taken as inclusion criteria. All respondents completed the surveys and were reconciled and processed. In addition, 100 non-Spanish-speaking students and 15 graduates were surveyed who gave their level of satisfaction related to the learning of the Spanish language received during the pre-school course through the application of a n 8-item survey.Results: it was found that 84% of the respondents had no knowledge of the Spanish language before arriving in Cuba; the Spanish course satisfied personal development of 65.6%, 31% expressed it negatively and 4% did not answer that item.Conclusions: the satisfaction criterion prevailed about the learning of the Spanish language, it is verified that a small part of them does not reach the development of the communicative abilities fully; everyone values the need of the course.

Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a estudiantes y egresados no hispano hablantes de la ELAM, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. Se tomó como criterio de inclusión a los estudiantes no hispan... see more

Abstract The purpose of the research is to make a law comparison related to disputes by mediation. This research is using normative method with empirical approach. Through this research the researcher offers an interesting development of dispute resolutio... see more

The early childhood learning process should be meaningful through real-life experiences that are useful in everyday life. Learning should be conducted to achieve learning goals not only in the cognitive domain, but also in affection and psychomotor skills... see more

ABSTRACTBackground: Stunting is an impediment marker for child welfare. Based on the United Nations Nutrition report, in 2018, as many as 50.5 million children worldwide under the age of 5 years were wasting and 150.8 million were stunting. Stunting is as... see more

The aim of this paper is to determine the ludic function of precedent-related phenomena as a type of intertextuality. The analysis is done on the basis of relevance theoretic approach, through which we aim to show the additional cognitive effect which is ... see more

Makalah ini menganalisis pengaruh perlakukan alkali dan tanpa perlakukan alkali terhadap karakateristik fisik, morfologi dan sifat mekanik serat kulit buah pinang (areca Catechu L.). Selama ini pemanfaatan limbah pertanian belum dilakukan secara maksimal,... see more

The purpose of the paper is to examine the role of mass media in combating drug addiction and drugrelated crime, together with the opportunities of cooperation between the police and the mass media in combating drug-related crime, and the main problems ar... see more

Efek inhibisi korosi dan sifat-sifat adsorpsi oleh ekstrak kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao)  pada baja lunak (mild steel) dalam larutan asam 1,5M HCl telah dipelajari menggunakan teknik konvensional metode berat hilang pada variasi waktu, konsentra... see more

1 of 18.631 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»