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Volume ume4 Number Volume 4, Nomor 2 Agustus 2021 Year 2021

6 articles in this issue 

Samuji Samuji,Hetti Sari Ramadhani

AbstractThe legal objective this research is to protect the public as consumers of service users, against arbitrary actions if there is authority in health services that causes harm, then there must be a party who is legally responsible, namely the hospit... see more


Andria Marchelia,Dea Apriliani,Mas Anienda Tien

AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic is often used as an excuse for companies to take arbitrary actions that lead to disputes over rights between employers and workers. one of the problems that will arise is in the form of cutting wages to termination of employm... see more


Arya Putra Rizal Pratama

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to determine the impact of PP No. 40-2021 on the Indonesian economy and the form of a Digital-Based Economy in PP no. 40-2021. This research was conducted through a normative juridical method with an analytical approac... see more


Izzy Al Kautsar,Danang Wahyu Muhammad

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to determine what interests underlie debtors in proposing debt settlement through PKPU institutions and to analyze the legal position of separatist creditors in the PKPU process. This study uses a juridical normativ... see more


Reza Yuna Dwi Rahmawati

AbstractThe purpose of the study is to see how the influence of Sidoarjo District Regulation No. 4 of 2011 on Non-Smoking Areas and Smoking Restricted Areas on the behavior of people who smoke while driving. Using empirical research with quantitative rese... see more


Debby Ayu Mardiana

AbstractThis research is based on the high rate of theft in industrial settlements and makes it imperative that there is justice that must be upheld. By looking at the problems that exist around it, it makes the theft rate higher and more dominating than ... see more