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Background. Discrepancies in the interpretation of breast cancer therapeutic responses still exist mainly because of lack of standardized assessment criteria and methods. Objective. DNA content profiling of cells in the affected (cancerous) tissue before ... see more

Background: Various studies have advised application of common salt for 30 min twice a day for 3–7 days in the treatment of umbilical granuloma (UG). However, application for 30 min in infants is distressing to both parents and baby. Objectives: The&... see more

Objective: To assess the glycemic response of metformin in patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) as well as to see its association with reductions in BMI and GIT intolerance.Methods: This Quasi, Experimental study was conducted at Jinnah-Allama Iq... see more

Background: The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the role of 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) for assessing treatment response in patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberc... see more

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death, and despite increased research in recent years, control of advanced-stage disease and optimal therapeutic responses remain elusive. Recent technological improvements have increased our understanding of human c... see more

Objective: To determine the response to radiation therapy based on the characteristics of cervical cancer patients who were given radiotherapy at Hasan Sadikin Hospital in 2020.Methods: The study was conducted using an observational analytic study method ... see more

Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatment Cicatrices Queloides; revisión y experiencia en un tratamiento integral / Keloid Scars; review and experience in a comprehensive treatmentObjetivo: aportar conocimiento actualizado sobre la fisiopatologíay el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, mediante un conector booleano AND, encontrado24 citas relacionadas con exactitud del tema y revisadas con susrespectivas referencias. Se utilizaron un total de 45 referenciasbibliográficas pertinentes para el desarrollo de esta investigación.Los queloides son neoplasias benignas del tejido conectivocompuestas de masas densas de colágeno. Su etiología es variabley los tratamientos se direccionan a la exéresis del tejido afectadoy control de la respuesta fibroproliferativa. Los tratamientosaceptados varían desde el manejo médico hasta la resecciónquirúrgica y la combinación de ambos.Conclusiones: el tratamiento de los queloides es un reto para loscirujanos dada su alta recurrencia. Si bien los diferentes tratamientosse conocen de manera amplia y están bien documentados, se hacenecesario emplear conjunta y sucesivamente múltiples técnicasterapéuticas combinadas como la cirugía, infiltración de fármacos,presoterapia, entre otras para aseguran un mejor resultado.Palabras clave: cicatriz patológica; cicatriz queloide; cicatriz;tejido de granulación.ABSTRACTObjetive: to provide updated knowledge of the pathophysiologyand comprehensive treatment of large keloid scars.Development: health science descriptors DeCS - MESHwere constructed, searching in MEDLINE and EBSCO throughPathological scar, Keloid Scar, Cicatrix, Granulation tissue usingAND boolean connector finding 24 articles accurately related to thesubject that were revised with their respective references using a total of 45 bibliographic references for the development. Keloidsare benign connective tissue neoplasms composed of densecollagen masses. Its etiology is variable and the treatments aredirected to the removal of the affected tissue and control of thefibroproliferative response. The accepted treatments vary frommedical management to surgical resection and the combinationof both.Conclusions: treating keloid scars is a challenge for surgeonsgiven its high recurrence. Although therapeutic treatments are welldocumented and widely known, it is necessary to use jointly andsuccessively multiple therapies such as surgery, drugs infiltration,pressotherapy, among others to guarantee a better result.Keywords: pathological scar; keloid scar, cicatrix, granulationtissue.

y el tratamiento integral de las cicatrices queloideas.Desarrollo: se construyeron descriptores en ciencias de saludDeCS - MESH y se hizo una búsqueda en Medline y EBSCO através de cicatriz patológica, cicatriz queloide, cicatriz y tejido degranulación, m... see more

Schistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsSchistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsEl Schistosoma es un parásito no endémico de Cuba, pero con una elevada frecuencia en los países de África, Asia y América Latina; de ellos, cinco especies infectan al hombre. No existen evidencias de dicho parasitismo en nuestro país. Con la presencia del internacionalismo médico cubano en las diversas tierras del mundo es que fue considerado útil transmitir la experiencia profesional en un país africano. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente de 7 años de edad, sexo masculino y estado nutricional adecuado, procedente de un área suburbana de la Cuidad de Nampula, Mozambique, África Subsahariana que al examen físico se constató que tenía lesiones de dermatitis en las manos y los pies, de varias semanas en evolución; acude por la aparición de edemas en miembros inferiores, dificultad para orinar y orinas oscuras. Se sospecha una posible Glomerulonefritis Difusa Aguda según la frecuencia de la entidad en nuestro medio. Después de una respuesta terapéutica escasa, un cambio en la visión epidemiológica y los resultados complementarios, se confirma una forma de presentación infantil de esquistosomiasis masiva, entidad frecuente en las regiones geográficas donde hoy en día está presente el internacionalismo médico cubano. Después de una revisión bibliográfica se consideró útil trasmitir la experiencia al médico internacionalista y se hacen algunas consideraciones al respecto. Palabras Clave: Esquistosomiasis, glomerulonefritis, diagnóstico. ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Internationalist Missions in other parts of the world, it is useful to transmit the professional experience in an African country. A 7-year-old-male patient, presenting an adequate nutritional status, coming from a sub-urban district of Mampula City. Mozambique, sub-Saharan Africa, at physical examination showed dermatitis in hands and feet for several weeks in evolution. The patient attended to the clinic presenting edema in the lower limbs, difficulties to urinate and dark urines. Suspecting, a possible Acute Diffuse Glomerulonephritis according to the frequency of the disease in that environment. After a limited therapeutic response, and a change in the epidemiologic view and the laboratory results; a childhood presentation of a form of massive schistosomiasis was confirmed, a frequent entity in the geographic regions where Cuban medical missions work. Some suggestions to transmit the experience to the medical missions were made taking into consideration several aspects after a medical literature review. Key words: Schistosomiasis, glomerulonephritis, diagnosis.

ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Inte... see more

Plant poisoning in grazing animals is more common in Bangladesh, especially during the scarcity period. The present study was undertaken to find out the epidemiology of Blumea lacera fresh plant poisoning and its management in cattle. A total of 765 suspe... see more

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