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Web Feature Service (WFS) is a widely used spatial web service standard issued by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). In a heterogeneous GIS application, a user can issue a query that relates two or more spatial datasets at different WFS servers. Multi-... see more

Mangroves are valuable contributors to coastal ecosystems, and remote sensing is an indispensable way to obtain knowledge of the dynamics of mangrove ecosystems. Due to the similar spectral features between mangroves and other land cover types, challenges... see more

Mangroves are valuable contributors to coastal ecosystems, and remote sensing is an indispensable way to obtain knowledge of the dynamics of mangrove ecosystems. Due to the similar spectral features between mangroves and other land cover types, challenges... see more

Multiway spatial join plays an important role in GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and their applications. With the increase in spatial data volumes, the performance of multiway spatial join has encountered a computation bottleneck in the context of bi... see more

A weak convergence of the sequence of partial sums processes of theresiduals (PSPR) when the observations are obtained from a multivariate spatiallinear regression model (SLRM) is established. The result is then applied in constructingthe rejection region... see more

A classic assignment problem determines how to assign resources to tasks in the best possible way. Over the past years, the classic assignment problem has been extended and more complicated assignment models have been proposed. A multi-period multi-site a... see more

Multiagency collaboration is seen as an essential way of working to promote the two-way integration of newcomers and a receiving society. The term multiagency collaboration underlines the diversity of actors in cooperation. Cross-sectorial networks are me... see more

ORGANIZING INSTITUTIONSEuropean Society for Neonatology (ESN), European Society for Paediatric Research (ESPR), Union of European Neonatal & Perinatal Societies (UENPS), European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI), with the local host of H... see more

Desempeño profesional del docente de Medicina General Integral para el trabajo con medios cartográficos. Resultados de su diagnóstico / Professional performance of the General Comprehensive Medicine teacher for work with cartographic media. Results of you Desempeño profesional del docente de Medicina General Integral para el trabajo con medios cartográficos. Resultados de su diagnóstico / Professional performance of the General Comprehensive Medicine teacher for work with cartographic media. Results of youObjetivo: socializar los resultados del diagnóstico aplicado a docentes de Medicina General Integral de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, contribuyendo a la caracterización del desempeño profesional para el trabajo con medios cartográficos.Materiales y métodos: el estudio exploratorio/descriptivo empleado en la investigación trabajó con dos variables y 10 indicadores y empleó técnicas como entrevistas y observación al desempeño que permitieron diagnosticar el claustro. Los resultados permitieron caracterizar los docentes e identificar sus necesidades de aprendizaje.Resultados: La demanda social de médicos capaces de responder a múltiples tareas para lograr desempeños eficientes, requiere redimensionar la visión sobre su formación. La inserción en su proceso formativo de la dimensión espacial, facilita el logro de dicho objetivo.Conclusiones: El diagnóstico aplicado a los docentes del Departamento de MGI de la ELAM permitió constatar que existe un alto grado de reconocimiento de la importancia de los medios cartográficos y de la necesidad de su inclusión dentro del plan de estudio de los estudiantes de medicina. Las limitaciones identificadas en el desempeño de los docentes están relacionadas con carencias en su proceso de formación inicial, desconocimiento de la metodología de trabajo con medios cartográficos, limitada preparación metodológica y ausencia de materiales de apoyo a la docencia. El diseño de estrategias de superación relacionadas con estos contenidos puede ser una vía que contribuya al mejoramiento del desempeño de los docentes.ABSTRACTObjetive: to socialize the results of the diagnosis applied to teachers of Integral General Medicine of the Latin American School of Medicine, contributing to the characterization of the professional performance for the work with cartographic means. Materials and methods: the exploratory / descriptive study used in the research worked with two variables and10 indicators and used techniques such as interviews and observation of performance that allowed the diagnosis of the faculty. The results allowed to characterize the teachers and identify their learning needs.Results: The social demand of physicians capable of responding to multiple tasks in order to achieve efficient performance requires redimensioning the vision of their training. The insertion in its formative process of the spatial dimension facilitates the achievement of this objective.Conclusions: The diagnosis applied to the teachers of the Department of MGI of the ELAM allowed to verify that there is a high degree of recognition of the importance of the cartographic means and of the necessity of its inclusion within the study plan of the medical students. The limitations identified in the teachers’ performance are related to deficiencies in their initial training process, ignorance of the working methodology with cartographic means, limitedmethodological preparation and absence of teaching support materials. The design of improvement strategies related to these contents can be a way that contributes to improving the performance of teachers.Keywords: cartographic media; sketch of the community; professional pedagogical performance; comprehensive general practitioner.

Materiales y métodos: el estudio exploratorio/descriptivo empleado en la investigación trabajó con dos variables y 10 indicadores y empleó técnicas como entrevistas y observación al desempeño que permitieron diagnosticar el claustro. Los resultados permit... see more

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