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7  Articles
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A classic assignment problem determines how to assign resources to tasks in the best possible way. Over the past years, the classic assignment problem has been extended and more complicated assignment models have been proposed. A multi-period multi-site a... see more

An assignment problem has been extensively studied and applied in many industries. Variations of assignment problem have been proposed and appeared in literatures for many years. This paper extends the variation of assignment problem in the dimension of t... see more

This study is motivated by the fact that inventory management problem is focused throughout the industrial firms nowadays as well as inventory management problems are not easy to be appropriately solved. According to the concept of systems approach can be... see more

Mark planning is one of the most important planning processes in garment industry. The major function is to generate a set of markers which is used as cutting guidelines or cutting templates in a cutting process. In other words, this process can be seen a... see more

Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs) have been extensively studied and applied in many fields. Variants of VRPs have been proposed and appeared in researches for many decades. Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Depots (D-MDVRP) extends the variation... see more

We study an application of the can-order policy in one-warehouse n-retailer inventory system, and propose a heuristic approach for setting the appropriate inventory policy. On the can-order policy, an order is triggered when a retailer's inventory positio... see more

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