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In the writings of curriculum and literary theorist Judith P. Robertson, we encounter the stirrings of a language that often refers to something outside of the material heart of reading, yet essential to its very operations. There is something that "burns... see more

The Covid-19 pandemic had a dangerous impact on early-childhood education, lost learning in almost all aspects of child development. The house-to-house learning, with the name Moving Home Learning Program (MHLP), is an attractive offer as an emergency rem... see more

e4679029This article aims to analyze the education of the prison in the Federal Penitentiary System. Considering that this type of education involves different aspects, besides schooling, the thematic focus will be based on gender as a social marker of di... see more

SILVER, GOLD AND IRON Concerning Katara, Urei, and the Magic Lakes of Nuristan In 1965 Lennart Edelberg published an article entitled Nuristanske Sølvpokaler (KUML 1965, pp. 153-201). The present article is intended to supplement Edelberg's findings on th... see more

e4149114This piece of writing, in the form of a theoretical essay, aims to problematize the concept of professional teaching induction, a reflection developed in dialogue with the analysis of the possibilities and weaknesses that permeate the beginning of... see more

e4849150In this work, Elinor Ostrom's ideas on common goods (1990, 1996) are recovered with the aim of analyzing her contributions to the co-production of scientific knowledge. From a descriptive and analytical approach based on two of his research works,... see more

SILVER, GOLD AND IRON Concerning Katara, Urei, and the Magic Lakes of Nuristan In 1965 Lennart Edelberg published an article entitled Nuristanske Sølvpokaler (KUML 1965, pp. 153-201). The present article is intended to supplement Edelberg's findings on th... see more

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O artigo explora as interconexões entre as formulações de Fernand Braudel e Reinhart Koselleck a respeito do tempo histórico. Na primeira parte, após passarmos em revista os aspectos centrais do modelo braudeliano, procuramos demonstrar a forma como Kosel... see more

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