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138.484  Articles
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This research aims to find out the level of achievement of the purpose of Integrated Teacher Training (PPKT) activities during the covid-19 Pandemic at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) IAIN Ambon. This study uses evaluative research on ... see more

To meet the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Vietnam’s K-12 education has shifted from a content-based to a competency-based approach. Teacher education institutions are, therefore, required to make comprehensive curriculum reforms t... see more

Estrategia de superación de los profesores de posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Salvador Allende” / Strategy to overcome the postgraduate professors of the “Salvador Allende” School of Medical Sciences Estrategia de superación de los profesores de posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas “Salvador Allende” / Strategy to overcome the postgraduate professors of the “Salvador Allende” School of Medical SciencesObjetivo: proponer una estrategia de superación para el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional en los profesores de posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Salvador Allende.Método: para la investigación realizada se tomó una muestra de 25 profesores del claustro y entre los métodos teóricos empleados está el análisis documental, histórico-lógico y la sistematización y de los métodos empíricos la encuesta, la entrevista y se consultó a los especialistas en el tema investigado. Se realizaron cinco cursos y dostalleres.Resultados: el 80% de los profesores no sabían cómo confeccionar un programa de superación de estos el 65% alegó que era muy engorroso y el otro 35% que era muy técnico y no tenían tiempo. El 48% había participado como profesor de alguna actividad de superación y finalizaron con los programas de 3 diplomados, 4 entrenamientos y 18cursos. El índice de publicaciones por profesor fue de 0.2 antes de realizar el estudio y se elevó a 1.0 de artículos científicos a presentar al comité editor de las revistas científicas de sus especialidades al finalizar la investigación.Conclusiones: la Estrategia de Superación, planificada sobre la base de los postulados teóricos de la Pedagogía yde la teoría Educación Avanzada, es factible para incrementar la confección de programas de superación profesional y artículos científicos. El sistema de cursos y talleres realizados demostró que lo profesores mejoraron su superación profesional, en la medida en que los contenidos respondieron a los problemas educativos identificados.Palabras clave: estrategia; superación; sistema.ABSTRACTObjective: to propose a strategy of improvement for the improvement of professional performance in the postgraduate professors of the School of Medical Sciences Salvador Allende.Method: for the research carried out, a sample of 25 faculty members was taken from the faculty and among the theoretical methods used is the documentary, historical-logical analysis and the systematization and of the empirical methods the survey, the interview and the specialists in the subject investigated. Five courses and two workshops were held.Results: 80% of teachers did not know how to prepare a program to overcome these 65% claimed that it was very cumbersome and the other 35% that was very technical and did not have time. 48% had participated as a teacher of some improvement activity and finished with the programs of 3 graduates, 4 trainings and 18 courses. The index of publications per professor was 0.2 before the study was carried out and it was increased to 1.0 of scientific articles to be presented to the committee editor of the scientific journals of their specialties at the end of the investigation.Conclusions: the Strategy of Overcoming, planned on the base of the theoretical postulates of the Pedagogy and the theory Advanced Education, is feasible to increase the confection of programs of professional overcoming and scientific articles. The system of courses and workshops carried out showed that the professors improved their professional improvement, to the extent that the contents responded to the identified educational problems.Keywords: strategy; overcoming; system..

Conclusiones: la Estrategia de Superación, planificada sobre la base de los postulados teóricos de la Pedagogía yde la teoría Educación Avanzada, es factible para incrementar la confección de programas de superación profesional y artículos científicos. El... see more

Since 1990’s, internship program has gained popularity as an effective approach to enhance student’s employability and career development. In the world of academia, internship is seen as a period in which the students get the hands-on experience, and skil... see more

In Saudi higher education, assessment has shifted to incorporate intended learning outcomes rather than merely textbook content. Subsequently, faculty members unwillingly participate in high-stakes competitive and harmonized assessment in English as a For... see more

This article was carried out within the scope of the research project entitled "Weaving the historical process of teacher professionalization, in the scope of mathematics, in its different levels of formation in Bahia, from 1925 to the 1980s". In it, we i... see more

This article was carried out within the scope of the research project entitled "Weaving the historical process of teacher professionalization, in the scope of mathematics, in its different levels of formation in Bahia, from 1925 to the 1980s". In it, we i... see more

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