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People with disabilities also need ease of accessibility anywhere that allows them to do all the activities without any interruption of access in order to realize the similarity of opportunity in all aspects of life and livelihood that will aim to realize... see more

Teaching a multicultural classroom has always been challenging for educators. With the rush toward global standardization, there is a concern that uniformity in education will sacrifice students’ freedom in expressing their skills and knowledge. This prob... see more

Standardising learning content and teaching approaches is not considered to be the best practice in contemporary education. This approach does not differentiate learners based on their individual abilities and preferences. The present research integrates ... see more

This paper discusses and presents a new prototype design for a smartwatch user interface. The user interface was designed aiming to adhere to some of the main universal design principles and be a more usable design. The prototype user interface was then c... see more

Capacitación profesoral en la asignatura Morfofisiología III, carrera de Estomatología. Curso 2008-2009 / Teaching training in Morpho-physiology-III discipline. Dentistry major, 2008-2009Capacitación profesoral en la asignatura Morfofisiología III, carrera de Estomatología. Curso 2008-2009 / Teaching training in Morpho-physiology-III discipline. Dentistry major, 2008-2009Introducción: los profesores que imparten la disciplina curricular Morfofisiología, muestran debilidades en su proceso formativo, con vistas a garantizar la calidad que el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje requiere. Objetivo: caracterizar a los profesores que imparten la asignatura Morfofisiología III en las SUM, teniendo en cuenta su preparación metodológica y conocimientos pedagógicos, que permita el diseño de una estrategia para su capacitación. Método: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y de corte transversal, con vistas a caracterizar el claustro profesoral que imparte la asignatura Morfofisiología III, de la carrera de Estomatología de la provincia de Pinar del Río, en las nueve SUM en las que la asignatura se encuentra universalizada, previo al comienzo del segundo semestre del curso 2008-2009. La muestra estuvo constituida por 12 de dichos profesores. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando la estadística descriptiva y la prueba Ji cuadrado. Resultados: estos mostraron que los profesores de la asignatura Morfofisiología III, en las SUM, carecen de la preparación metodológica y de los conocimientos en los contenidos propios de la asignatura, necesarios para enfrentar el proceso, elementos que se tuvieron en cuenta en el diseño del diplomado, el cual se estructuró siguiendo los principios de la educación a distancia. Se concluye a partir del diagnóstico realizado, sobre la necesidad de la instrumentación del diplomado diseñado.Palabras clave: Capacitación profesional, profesores, fisiologíaABSTRACTIntroduction: the teaching staff of Morpho-physiology discipline shows weak points in the formative process, to guarantee the quality of the teaching-learning process it is required.Objective: to characterize the teaching staff of Morpho-physiology -III in the University Venues, taking into account the methodological preparation and pedagogical knowledge, to allow the design of a strategy to their training.Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted to characterize the teaching staff of Morpho-physiology -III discipline on the Dentistry Major, in the ninth University Venues, Pinar del Rio, previous to the beginning of the second term in 2008-2009 academic courses. The sample was comprised of 12 professors. Data were processed using descriptive statistics and chi square test. Results: professors of Morphology-III discipline in the University Venues show lack of methodological preparation and have not enough knowledge on the contents; so necessary to face the challenges of the teaching-learning process, elements considered in the design of the diploma course, which was structured following the principles of distance education. Based on the identification of the problem, the need to design a diploma course was established.Key words: Profesional training, faculty, physiology.

Objetivo: caracterizar a los profesores que imparten la asignatura Morfofisiología III en las SUM, teniendo en cuenta su preparación metodológica y conocimientos pedagógicos, que permita el diseño de una estrategia para su capacitación. Método: se re... see more

The main purpose of this research is to determine the usability of augmented reality in open and distance learning environments in accordance with universal design principles, and to make predictions for the future by gathering expert opinions on this sub... see more

The main purpose of this research is to determine the usability of augmented reality in open and distance learning environments in accordance with universal design principles, and to make predictions for the future by gathering expert opinions on this sub... see more

The main purpose of this research is to determine the usability of augmented reality in open and distance learning environments in accordance with universal design principles, and to make predictions for the future by gathering expert opinions on this sub... see more

Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a presença e a influência dos princípios do Desenho Universal numa sala de aula de pós-graduação em uma universidade particular em North Central Ohio. Instrutores do curso implementaram muitos aspectos do Desen... see more

1 of 12.651 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»