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This study aims to develop a five-tier form of fluid misconception diagnostic assessment and to reveal the profile of student’s conceptual understanding in maritime-based schools in the city of Tegal. This study used a 4D model (defining, designing, dev... see more

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan Research dan Developmet (R&D) yang dimana menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analisys, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation). Dalam penelitian ini hanya sebatas pada tahapan implementas... see more

Challenging for teachers in producing learning evaluation instruments that can diagnose students' abilities as well as student misconceptions was important. The diagnostic test four-tiers is one of the best assessment to diagnose students' misconceptions ... see more

This study was aimed to develop a Three-Tier Diagnostic Test instrument to identify students' alternative conceptions about Food Chain Feeding Relationships. This instrument was developed based on stages of development proposed by Treagust. This study inv... see more

The purpose of this study was to develop a two-tier essay diagnostic test instrument (DTTE) to identify students' learning difficulties. The research adopted by Borg and Gall stages with data collection techniques used are interviews and tests. In the dev... see more

A learning disability identification students in understanding the concept of chemical need a right required test. But, a few teachers has not carried out the analysis on understanding the concept of students because as yet there are an instrument used fo... see more

ABSTRACT: Teacher performance has been the focus of educational policy reforms in recent decades for the professional development of teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of teaching experience and peer teaching skills on basic t... see more

This study aims to determine the process of designing a three-tier multiple choice diagnostic test in detecting salt hydrolysis misconceptions and to determine students’ responses to the diagnostic test design has been developed. This research and develop... see more

Schistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsSchistosomiasis en la infancia. Una experiencia para el internacionalismo médico cubano / Schistosomiasis in childhood: an experience to the Cuban Medical Internationalist MissionsEl Schistosoma es un parásito no endémico de Cuba, pero con una elevada frecuencia en los países de África, Asia y América Latina; de ellos, cinco especies infectan al hombre. No existen evidencias de dicho parasitismo en nuestro país. Con la presencia del internacionalismo médico cubano en las diversas tierras del mundo es que fue considerado útil transmitir la experiencia profesional en un país africano. Se presenta un caso clínico de un paciente de 7 años de edad, sexo masculino y estado nutricional adecuado, procedente de un área suburbana de la Cuidad de Nampula, Mozambique, África Subsahariana que al examen físico se constató que tenía lesiones de dermatitis en las manos y los pies, de varias semanas en evolución; acude por la aparición de edemas en miembros inferiores, dificultad para orinar y orinas oscuras. Se sospecha una posible Glomerulonefritis Difusa Aguda según la frecuencia de la entidad en nuestro medio. Después de una respuesta terapéutica escasa, un cambio en la visión epidemiológica y los resultados complementarios, se confirma una forma de presentación infantil de esquistosomiasis masiva, entidad frecuente en las regiones geográficas donde hoy en día está presente el internacionalismo médico cubano. Después de una revisión bibliográfica se consideró útil trasmitir la experiencia al médico internacionalista y se hacen algunas consideraciones al respecto. Palabras Clave: Esquistosomiasis, glomerulonefritis, diagnóstico. ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Internationalist Missions in other parts of the world, it is useful to transmit the professional experience in an African country. A 7-year-old-male patient, presenting an adequate nutritional status, coming from a sub-urban district of Mampula City. Mozambique, sub-Saharan Africa, at physical examination showed dermatitis in hands and feet for several weeks in evolution. The patient attended to the clinic presenting edema in the lower limbs, difficulties to urinate and dark urines. Suspecting, a possible Acute Diffuse Glomerulonephritis according to the frequency of the disease in that environment. After a limited therapeutic response, and a change in the epidemiologic view and the laboratory results; a childhood presentation of a form of massive schistosomiasis was confirmed, a frequent entity in the geographic regions where Cuban medical missions work. Some suggestions to transmit the experience to the medical missions were made taking into consideration several aspects after a medical literature review. Key words: Schistosomiasis, glomerulonephritis, diagnosis.

ABSTRACT Schistosome is a non-endemic parasite in Cuba, but with an elevated frequency in Africa, Asia and Latin-America; of them, five species infest man. No evidences of this parasite are found in Cuba. Considering the presence of Cuban Medical Inte... see more

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