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The complexity of the control of the road train is due to the pronounced nonlinearities, as well as the instability of the control object during the movement in the backward motion (jackknifing). For the road trains, the location of the towing device behi... see more

The aim of this study is to determine socio-economic properties and problems of the control officers in Istanbul province. The data are obtained via the questionnaire method from 99 control officers in the period of August-October 2015. As method, it is u... see more

The complexity of the control of the road train is due to the pronounced nonlinearities, as well as the instability of the control object during the movement in the backward motion (jackknifing). For the road trains, the location of the towing device behi... see more

The complexity of the control of the road train is due to the pronounced nonlinearities, as well as the instability of the control object during the movement in the backward motion (jackknifing). For the road trains, the location of the towing device behi... see more

Concerning the robust model predictive control (MPC) for constrained systems with polytopic model characterization, some approaches have already been given in the literature. One famous approach is an off-line MPC, which off-line finds a state-feedback la... see more

Salud funcional y enfermedades generales asociadas en ancianos / Functional health and general diseases associated with the agedSalud funcional y enfermedades generales asociadas en ancianos / Functional health and general diseases associated with the agedSe realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, con el objetivo de caracterizar la salud funcional de los ancianos residentes en el área del Consultorio 10 del Policlínico "Pedro Borrás Astorga" de la ciudad dePinar del Río, así como su relación con las enfermedades generales seleccionadas en los meses de enero a julio de 2008. Se aplicó una encuesta voluntaria y anónima a 180 ancianos, que recogió las variables sexo, enfermedades generales asociadas: hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, cardiopatía isquémica y osteoartritis. Para caracterizar su salud funcional se aplicaron los índices de Katzde independencia en las actividades básicas de la vida diaria y de Lawton-Brody de independencia en las actividades instrumentadas de la vida diaria. Existió un predominio de ancianos del sexo femenino. No hubo asociación entre el sexo y la clasificación en dependencia e independencia. Las enfermedades generales estudiadas en la población general de ancianos mostraron una elevada prevalencia de la hipertensión arterial, sobre todo en los discapacitados. La prevalencia de osteoartritis prácticamente se cuadruplicó en ancianos dependientes. En el análisis de todas las enfermedades en los dos grupos de ancianos teniendo el sexo como variable de confusión, se encontró que sólo en la osteoartritis actuaba como el tipo de variable analizada. Se recomendó incrementar las acciones preventivas, educativas y de control en busca de cambios favorables en hábitos y estilos de vida en los ancianos estudiados, dada la alta frecuencia de hipertensión arterial. Palabras clave: ANCIANO, DIABETES MELLITUS, ESTILO DE VIDA, HIPERTENSIÓN, OSTEOARTRITIS. ABSTRACT An observation, descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted from January to July 2008 aimed at characterizing functional health and its association with certain general diseases of the aged living in the area of No-10 Medical Office belonging to "Pedro Borras Astorga" teaching outpatient clinic in Pinar del Rio city. A volunteer and anonymous survey was applied to 108 aged, collecting the variable of sex and associated general diseases: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease and osteoarthritis. To characterize functional health the rates of Katz and Lawton-Brody concerning the independence of instrumented everyday activities were used. Female sex prevailed. Disabled and able aged that presented Hypertension and osteoarthritis exceeded four times in disabled. Increasing preventive, educative and control measures to achieve favorable lifestyle changes in patients that participated in the study, due to the high frequency of hypertension. Key words:AGED, DIABETES MELLITUS, LIFE STYLE, HYPERTENSION, OSTEOARTHRITIS.

ABSTRACT An observation, descriptive and cross-sectional research was conducted from January to July 2008 aimed at characterizing functional health and its association with certain general diseases of the aged living in the area of No-10 Medical Office... see more

The state has the right to control the land, waters and natural resources contained therein to achieve the greatest benefit of the people. According to the provisions of Article 9 paragraph (1) and Article 26 paragraph (2) of the Law of the Republic of In... see more

1 of 27.501 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»