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Turkey, Turkish Republic


8  Articles
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In English, studies on various forms and functions of speech acts have been carried out by some previous researchers. However, specific studies on impositive speech acts are still limited. The purpose of this research was to find out the forms and functio... see more

Caracterización medico legal de los delitos sexuales en Pinar del Río, 2003-2005 / Medical and legal characteristics of sex offenses in Pinar del Río, 2003-2005Caracterización medico legal de los delitos sexuales en Pinar del Río, 2003-2005 / Medical and legal characteristics of sex offenses in Pinar del Río, 2003-2005Se encuestó una muestra de 399 víctimas de diferentes edades enviadas al departamento de Medicina legal de Pinar del Río en el trienio 2003-2005 por estarse instruyendo procedimiento penal a causa de algún delito realizado por intermedio de una conducta sexual impositiva que da lugar a la radicación del expediente. Se aplicó de modo directo una encuesta anónima, abierta, previamente elaborada y constitutiva de 9 preguntas, los resultados fueron tabulados por el método de los palotes y llevadas las variables a sábanas, agrupadas en tablas, arrojando la información que los municipios más afectados fueron Pinar del Río, San Cristóbal, consolación del Sur, San Juan y Sandino, siendo los grupos etáreos más vulnerantes las menores de 20 años. Las figuras delictivas que más se repiten son la violación y los abusos lascivos predominando en la relación víctima - victimario; los conocidos, vecinos, padrastros y familiares. En el modus operandi sobresalen el abuso de confianza, intimidación, violencia física y abuso de autoridad, siendo la casa de la víctima y alrededores, casa del victimario, centro de estudios o trabajo y cercanías, caminos, carreteras, lugares recreativos, los lugares mayormente escogidos por los ofensores. Palabras clave: Violación, acoso sexual, delitos sexuales, víctimas de crimen, medicina legal, perfil de salud. ABSTRACTThis study was conducted on different ages 399 victims, where a questionnaire was assessed. They were sent to Legal Medicine Departament of Pinar del Río, during triennium 2003-2005 due to a penal processing. A crime was comsummated in relation to impositive sexual mis conduct with proceeding files an anonymous, opening and direct questionnaire with 9 questions was analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed using palotes methods. All the variables were placed in a sheep and graphic. Pinar del Río, San Cristobal, Consolación Sur, San Juan and Sandino, were more affected. Patients of 20 years old and lees were more wounded violation and lascivious abuse were more frcuently with a big important to stepfather neighbor and relatives. In the operanting modus we consider abuse of confidence, intimidation and physical violence the perfect selected place by ofender are victim home and around, hear a school or job.Key words: Rape, sexual harassment, sex offenses, crime victims, forensic medicine, health profile.

Abstract: This research aims to describe impositive act  (Requesting, asking, ruling and rejecting), the politeness in language and politeness principle that is  used by the student in their interaction. The data collecion process uses recording... see more

Tulisan ini dilatarbelakagi fakta bahwa wacana iklan merupakan informasi yang disampaikan ke masyarakat. Tujuannya untuk mendeskripsikan wacana iklan bahasa Sunda dikaji dari jihat sintaksis dan pragmatisnya. Mengumpulkan data menggunakan studi bibliograf... see more

It is a relatively new field that examines how Korean culture affects Korean language use in terms of age difference in a corpus of computer mediated email discourse. The purpose of this descriptive study and experiment is to prove the close relationship ... see more

The aim of this paper is to focus on “please” as one of the most frequent modifiers used to mitigate the impositive speech act of requesting. However, apart from this main function, scant attention has been paid to the analysis of learners’ use of this de... see more

The aim of this paper is to focus on “please” as one of the most frequent modifiers used to mitigate the impositive speech act of requesting. However, apart from this main function, scant attention has been paid to the analysis of learners’ use of this de... see more

Traditionally, the speech act of requesting has been regarded as a face-threatening act (Brown & Levinson, 1987) due to the impositive nature on the addressee’s negative face. Yet, in specific service encounters, requests can no longer be seen as threaten... see more

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